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[11:24:21] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:24:21] MAPI Logon successful. [11:24:21] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:24:21] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession) [11:24:21] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession) [11:24:21] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores) [11:24:21] OpenStores: Start [11:24:21] GetMsgStoresTable successful. [11:24:21] Checking service 'Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher' [11:24:21] Checking service 'Persnliche Ordner' [11:24:21] Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened. [11:24:21] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores) [11:24:21] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Noack Andreas' ('A_NOACK'). [11:24:21] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:24:21] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:24:21] Session logoff successful. [11:24:21] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData) [11:24:21] ((Thread0)) CopyMailboxData Failed -A_NOACK [11:24:21] ((Thread0)) Incremented progress bar [11:24:21] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0 [11:24:21] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0 [11:24:21] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered. [11:24:21] Process completion time: 00:00:00 [11:24:21] MAPI uninitialized. [11:24:25] MAPI uninitialized.
[11:24:15] Found 111 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases. [11:24:15] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases. [11:24:15] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases) [11:24:15] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:24:15] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:24:15] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:24:16] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA) [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA) [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:24:16] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:24:16] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:24:16] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:24:16] MAPI Logon successful. [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:24:16] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer) [11:24:16] Getting list of mailboxes on the server. [11:24:16] Found default store. [11:24:16] Opened Exchange Server Store. [11:24:16] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:24:16] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: QueryInterface succeeded [11:24:16] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: GetMailboxTable succeeded [11:24:16] Number of mailbox records read: 47. (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:24:16] Finished getting list of mailboxes. [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer) [11:24:16] Session logoff successful. [11:24:16] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:24:16] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:24:16] Time to get mailbox data: 1 seconds [11:24:21] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations. [11:24:21] Merging data into target store. The program will copy only those messages that do not exist in the target store. [11:24:21] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store. [11:24:21] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252) [11:24:21] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale [11:24:21] Using default locale for all mailboxes [11:24:21] Program will use 1 worker threads [11:24:21] Initializing worker thread (Thread0) [11:24:21] ((Thread0)) Before CopyMailboxData -A_NOACK [11:24:21] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData) [11:24:21] Using locale 'German' (0x407) and code page 1252 to connect to mailbox [11:24:21] Merging data from file '\\SERVER-FS\BACKUP_EXCHANGE_070725\A_NOACK.PST' to mailbox 'Noack Andreas' ('A_NOACK') on server 'SERVER-EX'. [11:24:21] DN of object is '/O=MyExchange/OU=ERSTE ADMINISTRATIVE GRUPPE/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=A_NOACK'. [11:24:21] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:24:21] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:24:21] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:24:21] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile) [11:24:21] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile) [11:24:21] Successfully created profile. [11:24:21] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:24:21] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:24:21] Successfully initialized MAPI.
[11:24:07] Command line received: [11:24:07] Processor architecture: Intel [11:24:07] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790) [11:24:07] Personal Folders service name got from EXMERGE.INI file is 'Persnliche Ordner' (LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName entry in section [EXMERGE]). [11:24:07] Exchange Server service name got from EXMERGE.INI file is 'Microsoft Exchange Message Store' (LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName entry in section [EXMERGE]). [11:24:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:24:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:13] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/rootDSE' [11:24:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:13] Default Naming Context: 'DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:13] BaseDN: 'LDAP://rootDSE' [11:24:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:13] Default Naming Context: 'DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:13] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER-EX' [11:24:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:24:13] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:13] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:24:13] Set search preferences [11:24:13] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=SERVER-EX))' [11:24:13] Successfully executed directory search [11:24:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:24:13] 'SERVER-EX' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [11:24:13] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:24:13] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo) [11:24:13] BaseDN: 'GC://CN=InformationStore,CN=SERVER-EX,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MyExchange,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:13] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:24:13] Set search preferences [11:24:13] Filter used: '(objectClass=msexchPrivateMDB)' [11:24:13] Successfully executed directory search [11:24:14] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo) [11:24:14] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases) [11:24:15] Mailbox '/o=MyExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=SERVER-EX/cn=Microsoft System Attendant' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [11:24:15] Mailbox '/o=MyExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=SMTP (SERVER-EX)/cn={06CA539C-513B-483D-AF2D-4684F47FA379}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [11:24:15] Mailbox '/o=MyExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Recipients/cn=SystemMailbox{06CA539C-513B-483D-AF2D-4684F47FA379}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [11:24:15] Found 111 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (SERVER-EX)'. [11:24:15] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (SERVER-EX)'.
**************************************************************** Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0 Start Logging:July 27, 2007 11:24:07 **************************************************************** [11:24:07] Logging Level: Maximum [11:24:07] Reading settings from file 'D:\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'. [11:24:07] Data directory name read from .INI file: '\\SERVER-FS\BACKUP_EXCHANGE_070725'. [11:24:07] Merge action read from .INI file: 1 [11:24:07] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: '' [11:24:07] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: '' [11:24:07] Source server name read from .INI file: ''. [11:24:07] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: '' [11:24:07] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: '' [11:24:07] Destination server name read from .INI file: 'SERVER-EX'. [11:24:07] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:24:07] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:07] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/rootDSE' [11:24:07] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:07] Default Naming Context: 'DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:07] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:07] BaseDN: 'LDAP://rootDSE' [11:24:07] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:24:07] Default Naming Context: 'DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:07] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER-EX' [11:24:07] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:24:07] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=MyDomain,DC=local' [11:24:07] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:24:07] Set search preferences [11:24:07] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=SERVER-EX))' [11:24:07] Successfully executed directory search [11:24:07] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:24:07] 'SERVER-EX' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [11:24:07] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:24:07] Destination server read from settings file is 'SERVER-EX'. [11:24:07] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''. [11:24:07] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file '' [11:24:07] Subject string match criteria read from INI file: 0 [11:24:07] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file '' [11:24:07] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file: 0 [11:24:07] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 2 [11:24:07] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list. [11:24:07] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: 'D:\EXCHSRVR\BIN\MAILBOXES.TXT'. [11:24:07] Remove intermediate PST files setting read from .INI file: 1 [11:24:07] Date attribute read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] Data import method read from .INI file: 1 [11:24:07] ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent setting read from .INI file: 1 [11:24:07] Copy user data setting read from .INI file: 1 [11:24:07] Copy associated folder data setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] Copy folder permissions setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] Copy dumpster items setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes setting read from .INI file: '' [11:24:07] MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:24:07] RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting read from INI file: 0 [11:24:07] RenameSpecialFolders setting read from INI file: 1 [11:24:07] Default Locale read from INI file: 1031 [11:24:07] UseLastLogonLocaleID setting read from INI file: 0 [11:24:07] Current machine locale ID is 0x407
[11:07:31] Merging data from file '\\SERVER-FS\BACKUP_EXCHANGE_070725\M_Mustermann.PST' to mailbox 'Mustermann Max' ('M_Mustermann') on server 'SERVER-EX'. [11:07:31] DN of object is '/O=MyExchange/OU=ERSTE ADMINISTRATIVE GRUPPE/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=M_Mustermann'. [11:07:31] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:07:31] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:07:31] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:07:31] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile) [11:07:31] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateEMSPSTProfile) [11:07:31] Successfully created profile. [11:07:31] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:07:31] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:07:31] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:07:31] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:07:31] MAPI Logon successful. [11:07:31] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:07:31] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession) [11:07:31] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetSession) [11:07:31] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores) [11:07:31] OpenStores: Start [11:07:31] GetMsgStoresTable successful. [11:07:31] Checking service 'Microsoft Exchange-Nachrichtenspeicher' [11:07:31] Checking service 'Persnliche Ordner' [11:07:31] Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened. [11:07:31] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::OpenStores) [11:07:31] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Mustermann Max' ('M_Mustermann'). [11:07:31] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:07:31] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:07:31] Session logoff successful. [11:07:31] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData) [11:07:31] ((Thread0)) CopyMailboxData Failed -M_Mustermann [11:07:31] ((Thread0)) Incremented progress bar [11:07:31] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0 [11:07:31] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0 [11:07:31] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered. [11:07:31] Process completion time: 00:00:00 [11:07:31] MAPI uninitialized. [11:07:33] MAPI uninitialized.
[11:07:22] Successfully executed directory search [11:07:22] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo) [11:07:22] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases) [11:07:24] Mailbox '/o=MyExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=SERVER-EX/cn=Microsoft System Attendant' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [11:07:24] Mailbox '/o=MyExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=SMTP (SERVER-EX)/cn={06CA539C-513B-483D-AF2D-4684F47FA379}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [11:07:24] Mailbox '/o=MyExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Recipients/cn=SystemMailbox{06CA539C-513B-483D-AF2D-4684F47FA379}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [11:07:24] Found 111 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (SERVER-EX)'. [11:07:24] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (SERVER-EX)'. [11:07:24] Found 111 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases. [11:07:24] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases. [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetMailboxesHomedOnExchangeServerDatabases) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA) [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::HackMapiSvcInfForSA) [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CAdminProfileRoutines::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::CreateSystemAttendantProfile) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:07:24] Successfully initialized MAPI. [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::MapiInit) [11:07:24] MAPI Logon successful. [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::Logon) [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer) [11:07:24] Getting list of mailboxes on the server. [11:07:24] Found default store. [11:07:24] Opened Exchange Server Store. [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:07:24] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: QueryInterface succeeded [11:07:24] GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS: GetMailboxTable succeeded [11:07:24] Number of mailbox records read: 31. (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServerFromPrivateIS) [11:07:24] Finished getting list of mailboxes. [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::GetMailboxesOnServer) [11:07:24] Session logoff successful. [11:07:24] Entered Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:07:24] Ending Routine: (CMapiSession::DeleteOurProfile) [11:07:24] Time to get mailbox data: 1 seconds [11:07:31] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations. [11:07:31] Merging data into target store. The program will copy only those messages that do not exist in the target store. [11:07:31] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store. [11:07:31] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252) [11:07:31] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale [11:07:31] Using default locale for all mailboxes [11:07:31] Program will use 1 worker threads [11:07:31] Initializing worker thread (Thread0) [11:07:31] ((Thread0)) Before CopyMailboxData -M_Mustermann [11:07:31] Entered Routine: EDKRoutines::CopyMailBoxData) [11:07:31] Using locale 'German' (0x407) and code page 1252 to connect to mailbox
[11:07:18] Remove intermediate PST files setting read from .INI file: 1 [11:07:18] Date attribute read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] Data import method read from .INI file: 1 [11:07:18] ReplaceDataOnlyIfSourceItemIsMoreRecent setting read from .INI file: 1 [11:07:18] Copy user data setting read from .INI file: 1 [11:07:18] Copy associated folder data setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] Copy folder permissions setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] Copy dumpster items setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] UseThisPSTFileForAllMailboxes setting read from .INI file: '' [11:07:18] MapFolderNameToLocalisedName setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] RenameFoldersBasedOnFolderMappings setting read from INI file: 0 [11:07:18] RenameSpecialFolders setting read from INI file: 1 [11:07:18] Default Locale read from INI file: 1031 [11:07:18] UseLastLogonLocaleID setting read from INI file: 0 [11:07:18] Current machine locale ID is 0x407 [11:07:18] Command line received: [11:07:18] Processor architecture: Intel [11:07:18] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790) [11:07:22] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:07:22] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:22] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/rootDSE' [11:07:22] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:22] Default Naming Context: 'DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:22] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:22] BaseDN: 'LDAP://rootDSE' [11:07:22] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:22] Default Naming Context: 'DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:22] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER-EX' [11:07:22] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:07:22] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:22] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:07:22] Set search preferences [11:07:22] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=SERVER-EX))' [11:07:22] Successfully executed directory search [11:07:22] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:07:22] 'SERVER-EX' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [11:07:22] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:07:22] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerStorageGroupInfo) [11:07:22] BaseDN: 'GC://CN=InformationStore,CN=SERVER-EX,CN=Servers,CN=Erste administrative Gruppe,CN=Administrative Groups,CN=MyExchange,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:22] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:07:22] Set search preferences [11:07:22] Filter used: '(objectClass=msexchPrivateMDB)'
Habe bei alle Deny-Einträge entfernt, es gibt entweder keinen Eintrag oder Zulassen. Verweigern ist kein Eintrag. Aktuelles exmerge.log **************************************************************** Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0 Start Logging:July 27, 2007 11:07:18 **************************************************************** [11:07:18] Logging Level: Maximum [11:07:18] Reading settings from file 'D:\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'. [11:07:18] Data directory name read from .INI file: '\\SERVER-FS\BACKUP_EXCHANGE_070725'. [11:07:18] Merge action read from .INI file: 1 [11:07:18] DomainControllerForSourceServer read from INI file: '' [11:07:18] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: '' [11:07:18] Source server name read from .INI file: ''. [11:07:18] DomainControllerForDestServer read from INI file: '' [11:07:18] SrcServerLDAP-Port read from INI file: '' [11:07:18] Destination server name read from .INI file: 'SERVER-EX'. [11:07:18] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:07:18] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:18] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/rootDSE' [11:07:18] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:18] Default Naming Context: 'DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:18] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:18] BaseDN: 'LDAP://rootDSE' [11:07:18] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetNamingContextData) [11:07:18] Default Naming Context: 'DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:18] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER-EX' [11:07:18] Entered Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:07:18] BaseDN: 'LDAP://SERVER-EX/CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=local' [11:07:18] Got IDirectorySearch interface [11:07:18] Set search preferences [11:07:18] Filter used: '(&(objectCategory=msexchExchangeServer)(cn=SERVER-EX))' [11:07:18] Successfully executed directory search [11:07:18] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::GetExchangeServerNameInfo) [11:07:18] 'SERVER-EX' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [11:07:18] Ending Routine: (CADRoutines::IdentifyFamilyOfExchangeRunningOnServer) [11:07:18] Destination server read from settings file is 'SERVER-EX'. [11:07:18] Message selection start date read from .INI file: ''. [11:07:18] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file '' [11:07:18] Subject string match criteria read from INI file: 0 [11:07:18] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file '' [11:07:18] Attachment name string match criteria read from INI file: 0 [11:07:18] Folder process setting read from .INI file: 2 [11:07:18] Apply to sub folders setting, read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list. [11:07:18] DelimiterUsedInMailboxFile setting read from .INI file: 0 [11:07:18] File containing list of mailboxes, read from .INI file: 'D:\EXCHSRVR\BIN\MAILBOXES.TXT'.
Hallo, folgendes Problem bei Importieren von PST mit Exmerge. Ich bin als Admin angemeldet, habe dem Administrator und Domänen-Admins im Ex-Sys-Manag unter "Erste Administrative Gruppe" -> "SERVER-EX" Vollzugriff (Deny bei Receive AS und Send AS entfernt!) Dennoch bekomme ich diese Fehlermeldung, die ich nicht wirklich deuten kann. Danke für Eure Hilfe. **************************************************************** Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Merge Program, v6.5.7529.0 Start Logging:July 27, 2007 10:18:09 **************************************************************** [10:18:09] Logging Level: None [10:18:09] Reading settings from file 'D:\Exchsrvr\bin\EXMERGE.INI'. [10:18:09] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER-EX' [10:18:09] 'SERVER-EX' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [10:18:09] Destination server read from settings file is 'SERVER-EX'. [10:18:09] Reading list of subjects for messages to be selected from file '' [10:18:09] Reading list of attachment names for messages to be selected from file '' [10:18:09] List of folders to be ignored has been read. 0 folders in the list. [10:18:09] Current machine locale ID is 0x407 [10:18:09] Operating System Version 5.2 (Build 3790) [10:18:12] Accessing Domain Controller 'SERVER-EX' [10:18:12] 'SERVER-EX' is running Exchange Server 2000 or later [10:18:17] Mailbox '/o=DRKExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=SERVER-EX/cn=Microsoft System Attendant' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [10:18:17] Mailbox '/o=DRKExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Configuration/cn=Connections/cn=SMTP (SERVER-EX)/cn={06CA539C-513B-483D-AF2D-4684F47FA379}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [10:18:17] Mailbox '/o=DRKExchange/ou=Erste administrative Gruppe/cn=Recipients/cn=SystemMailbox{06CA539C-513B-483D-AF2D-4684F47FA379}' will be ignored as its DN contains strings in the ignore list [10:18:17] Found 111 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (SERVER-EX)'. [10:18:17] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on database 'ERSTE SPEICHERGRUPPE/POSTFACHSPEICHER (SERVER-EX)'. [10:18:17] Found 111 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases. [10:18:17] Ignored 3 mailbox(es) homed on the specified databases. [10:18:26] Using attribute 'PR_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME' for date operations. [10:18:26] Merging data into target store. The program will copy only those messages that do not exist in the target store. [10:18:26] Associated folder data will NOT be copied to the target store. [10:18:26] Using 'German' (0x407) as the default locale (Code page 1252) [10:18:26] All mailboxes will be processed, regardless of locale [10:18:26] Using default locale for all mailboxes [10:18:26] Initializing worker thread (Thread0) [10:18:26] Merging data from file '\\SERVER-FS\BACKUP_EXCHANGE_070725\M_Mustermann.PST' to mailbox 'Mustermann Max' ('M_Mustermann') on server 'SERVER-EX'. [10:18:26] Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened. [10:18:26] Errors encountered. Copy process aborted for mailbox 'Mustermann Max' ('M_Mustermann'). [10:18:26] Number of items copied from the source store for all mailboxes processed: 0 [10:18:26] Total number of folders processed in the source store: 0 [10:18:26] 0 mailboxes successfully processed. 1 mailboxes were not successfully processed. 0 non-fatal errors encountered. [10:18:26] Process completion time: 00:00:00
So habe jetzt noch den DNS wieder hinbekommen. Damit dürften jetzt auch die letzten Fehlermeldungen beim Starten weg sein. Habe jetzt noch ein Problem mit Exmerge-Import, aber das schreibe ich in einem anderem Thread. Vielen Dank Euch allen! PS: Ein Stein reicht pro Berater völlig aus, die sind ca. 5x5 Meter. Solte doch reichen, damit diese sich so schnell nicht wieder ausgraben. Muss die Berater auch ein wenig! in Schutz nehmen, bisher hatte immer alles besten funktioniert, nur dieses einmal gab es halt Probleme. Naja, T... halt - Wahrscheinlich waren die Gefrustet wegen deren tiefer Aktienstände...
So, ich habs. Als erstes ganz wichtig!!!, wenn man dann nach 48 Std. Suchen und Probieren so richtig die Schn... voll hat, einfach in der ächste Döner-Bude einen Super-Döner mit Schafskäse und extra Knobi-Soße. Dazu zwei kühle Blonde ... zisch... herlich! Frish gestärkt und mit eine fetten Knoblauchfahne hat der Server doch recht schnell seinen Respekt vor seinem Lieblings-Admin wiedergefunden. Eine Suchanfrage bei Google, der zweite Eintrag -> Treffer. Folgender Info hat getroffen You receive an account permission error message and the setup /forestprep command is not successful in Exchange Server 2003 Exchange ließ sich auf einmal ohne Mängel installieren. :) Vor dem Döner habe ich natürlich noch ne Menge gemacht. Als erstes hatte ich den Server neu aufgesetzt, nur WS2k3 SP1. Dieser Server hat einen neuen Host aber gleiche IP (wegen den ganzen Einstellungen Linux & co.) bekommen. ExEE ließ sich aber ohne ADS wieder nicht installieren, also Server in ADS integriert. Dann siehe Link oben und ExEE installiert. Fertig. Jetzt darf ich mich mit dem zweiten Mega-Teil beschäftigen. Den Exchange incl. aller Benutzer wiede rienrichten. Sollte ich doch bis morgen früh geschafft haben.
So jetzt sind wir wieder bei meinem ersten Beitrag, gleiche Fehlermeldung. Allerdings erkennt das Setup, das Ex 6.5 bereits installiert ist. Die Option Neuinstall. bringt die Meldung, dass ich über die Exchange-Adminrechte verfügen muss. Bringt evtl. /RemoveOrg was?
Also ein nächster Versuch... Habe jetzt den Global Catalog auf dem Ex rausgenommen -> Neustart. Versuche jetzt die Ex-Inst. noch mal anzuschieben, vorher /ForestPrep Bin schon am Überlegen, wer mir beim Neuaufsetzen der Domain helfen könnte... :) Naja, Humor muss bleiben...
Also das hat erstmal nix gebracht. Nach Abgleich des ADS zwischen dem BM und dem Ex bekomme ich beim Öffnen des Ex-Sy-Manag. "Ein solches Objekt ist auf dem Server nicht vorhanden" ID-Nr. c0072030 Wie wäre jetzt das weiter Vorgehen? Irgendwelche Ideen? Was heißt, die Domain in Ordnung bringen?
Kurzer Zwischenstand... Die Rücksicherung ohne Probleme. Ex gestartet und Clients können sich schonmal mit dem Ex wieder verbinden ABER Bisher ist noch kein Abgleich mit dem DC BM erfolgt...
Terminalserver: Mehr Rechte für Chef
a_hempelt antwortete auf ein Thema von Canni in: Windows Server Forum
Tipps vom Datenschutz kann ich Dir immer wieder geben. Zufaälligeweise ist unsere Datenschützer meine rechte Hand bei uns im Unternehmen - ist zwar nicht zulässig, aber ist halt so. Unser Personaler ist ein Rechtsverdreher mit 2. StaatsExamen. - ein sehr guter Freund von mir. Ich bin glaube bestens ausgerüstet... :) -
Acronis Server 9.1 Direkt mit der installierten Software C+D+MBR, allerdings nur den Ex selbst. Die Rückspielung ist eben durch, Rechner startet auch. Habe den Rechner erstmal ohne LAN gestartet, bin ja gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen was der DC Betriebsmaster dazu sagt, wenn ich den Ex wieder ins Netz nehme...
Die Domain läuft m.E. stabil. Im ADS habe ich nach der Deinstal. des "alten" Exchange nichts verändert, außer Berechtigungen bei Benutzern. (???) Werde vor dem Booten des wiederhergestellten Exchange diesen vom Netz nehmen, damit ich sehe, ob er fehlerfrei startet. Danach, wenn keine Fehler auftreten, den BS wieder hinzuschalten. Kann das funktionieren?
Installation mehrerer Systeme
a_hempelt antwortete auf ein Thema von TheCracked in: Windows Forum — Allgemein
Also funktioniert es ja doch noch... -
Installation mehrerer Systeme
a_hempelt antwortete auf ein Thema von TheCracked in: Windows Forum — Allgemein
Kannst Du nicht beide Systeme auf jeweils eine seperate HDD installieren? Habe früher auch DOS + W98SE auf einer Platte installiert. Habe hier aber erst DOS installiert und dann W98. Vor der Installation von W98 habe ich die Part. mit DOS ausgeblendet, somit konnte W98 nicht darauf zugreifen. Wie gesagt, hatte zumindest mit W98 funktioniert. -
Hmmm... hilft nicht wirklich, hatte ich auch schon studiert. Probiere gerade was anderes, hoffe ich es klappt. Habe vor mienen Arbeiten ein Image (Acronis) des Servers C+D gezogen. Werde es wieder ienspielen, in der Hoffnung, das ich zumindest bei dem letzten Stand des Servers noch mal ansetzen kann. Schon beim Überlegen habe ich das Gefühl, das es nicht funktionieren wird?
Ich wollte nix migrieren. Habe mir ediglich die Postfächer und die öffentl. Ordner gesichert. Alles andere will ich neu einrichten. Möchte eine komplett neue Installation des Ex EE, weil einige Dinge im alten Ex "komisch" waren.
Automatische abmelden der clients
a_hempelt antwortete auf ein Thema von Roidanton00 in: Windows Server Forum
Wir haben eine APC-USV, in deren Konfiguration können bestimmte Aktionen bei Ereignissen gestartet werden. Ich habe hier eingestellt, das bei einem Stromausfall die Clients eine Nachicht auf dem Bildschirm ausgeben sollen, dass die USV den Server in n-Minuten herunterfährt. Diesen Stromausfall kannich simulieren und somit bekommen die Clients die Info. Ist keine schöne Lösung, aber funktioniert erstmal. -
a) lief bisher so, war mir damals (vor 2 Jahren) nicht bewusst b) hatte nicht funktioniert :o( c) Meine Berater haben mir alle gesagt "Update von Standard auf EE funktioniert nicht", geht nur per Neuinst. d) Der Ex ist schon lane deinst., habe keinen Ex System-Manag. mehr /ForestPrep kanni ch auch weglassen. Nur kommt genau die selbe Fehelrmeldung, wenn ich die Installation direkt anschieben will.
Terminalserver: Mehr Rechte für Chef
a_hempelt antwortete auf ein Thema von Canni in: Windows Server Forum
Da hilft wohl nur eine Information von Dritten an die Aufsichtsbehörde. ABER und berechtigt, dass wird/kann/wird Dir als Azubi nur weitere andere Probleme bringen. Rechtlich sitzt Dein Chef bei +40° auf sehr dünnem Eis! Aus datenschutzrechtlicher Sicht, kann Dir als Admin nix passieren, es haftet nur der Geschäftsführer, Vorstand, .... Nach Außen verstoßt Dein Chef gegen das Postfernmeldegeheimnis, je nach Schwierigkeitsgrad. Innerbetrieblich kannst Du nur machen, was er will. Schriftlich Deine Einwände von Ihm Bestätigen lassen, damit später nciht mal so ein Satz kommt: "Warum haben Sie mir das damalös nicht gesagt..."