;en-us;234746 könnte da helfen.
Das Beispiel macht das ganze nicht mit einem Textfile, sondern mit den existierenden Benutzern im AD. Folgender Code wird dort virgeschlagen:
Sub GetParentDir
ParentDir = InputBox("Type the path of the parent folder for the user folders:", "Parent Directory Input Prompt", ParentDir)
If Not FS.FolderExists(ParentDir) Then
End If
End Sub
Dim WSHNetwork, WSHShell, FS, Domain, DomainObj, Computer, ShareServiceObj, ParentDir, Hidden, Drive
Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WSHNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Set ShareServiceObj = GetObject("WinNT://" & WSHNetwork.ComputerName & "/LanManServer")
Domain = InputBox("Type the name of your domain:","Enumeration and Creation of User Shares","DomainName")
ParentDir = "C:\Users"
Hidden = MsgBox("Do you want the user shares to be hidden? If yes, the share will be username$; If no, the share will be username", 4, "Hidden Shares?")
Hidden = Hidden - 7
Drive = InputBox("What drive letter do you want to map the home folder to?", "Drive Letter?", "X:")
Set DomainObj = GetObject("WinNT://" & Domain)
DomainObj.Filter = Array("User")
For Each UserObj in DomainObj
Dim ShareName
If Not FS.FolderExists(ParentDir & "\" & UserObj.Name) Then
FS.CreateFolder(ParentDir & "\" & UserObj.Name)
End If
ShareName = UserObj.Name
If Hidden Then
ShareName = ShareName & "$"
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set NewShare = ShareServiceObj.Create("fileshare", ShareName)
If Not Err Then
NewShare.Path = ParentDir & "\" & UserObj.Name
NewShare.MaxUserCount = 1 'Sets the limit for the number of user connections
UserObj.HomeDirectory = "\\" & WSHNetwork.ComputerName & "\" & ShareName
UserObj.HomeDirDrive = Drive 'Requires ADSI 2.5
End If
MsgBox "Script Complete",, "Finished"