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Über Hanoi

  • Geburtstag 12.01.1957

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  1. Hi Sp00k, ich glaube, Du einen local static IP für sharedFestplatte geben sollte, nicht von router vergibt. Dann port forwarding klappt.
  2. Hi alle, hatte ich nur Frage : welche software ist beste für Werwaltung und Druck der Barcode auf Etiketten. Sehr dankbar für jeder Recommend !
  3. in den Eigenschaften der Netzwerkkarte die IP-Adresse des DC als bevorzugten DNS-Server eintragen
  4. Hanoi

    echtes Problem:(

    Hi all, vor 2 Monaten habe ich gleichen Problem. Installieren win98 - kein Problem. Aber mit w2k - installation gebrocken : Festplatt nicht gefunden, oder BlauBildschirm. Estste- BIOS richtig einstellen : mit ACPI, mit Festplatt : UDM 33-66 oder 100. Zweite - probieren mit anderen Festplatt Kabel. Und dann geht. Chao
  5. Hi all, Heute habe ich nen guten Antwort auf dieser Frage. Aber in English :Do I Still Need WINS in Windows 2000? Q. I've been reading a lot about how Windows 2000 no longer requires a WINS Server because the operating system now uses DNS instead of WINS. This sounds like I don't need to use a WINS Server anymore, and can just use DNS for everything that I used WINS for. Is that true? A. This question is both a simple one and a complex one! The simple answer is "Yes", you can run a Windows 2000 network without using a WINS Server for remote NetBIOS name resolution. However, this is a lot easier said than done. To run a WINS-less network, you should have all the machines be Windows 2000 computers. Specifically, you should not have any downlevel Windows operating systems on the network. This is because the downlevel clients are dependent on NetBIOS for important domain related activities such as log on authentication and service location. You must also be sure not to have any NetBIOS dependent services running on the machines on your network, whether the host operating systems are Windows 2000 or not. If you have machines that run programs and services that are dependent on NetBIOS name resolution, then your best bet is to keep a WINS Server on the network. You could run without a WINS Server in these situations, because downlevel Windows operating systems are able to use DNS to resolve NetBIOS names. However, there are some difficulties associated with this: 1. The downlevel operating systems are not able to register themselves dynamically with DNS like the Windows 2000 computers are able. 2. Name resolution may become unacceptably slow. Remember the NetBIOS name resolution sequence: NetBIOS Remote Name Cache WINS Broadcast LMHOSTS HOSTS DNS As you can see, DNS lookups are performed last, after other methods are employed. Also, in any reasonably sized network, using static files such as HOSTS or LMHOSTS becomes an administrative straitjacket. You could solve the first problem by using DHCP to dynamically register the names of the downlevel clients in the DNS Server, and you could help with the second problem by making the downlevel systems b-node clients, so that they don't spend time looking for a WINS Server. However, your best bet is to wait until you have all Windows 2000 computers on your network, and that you have also eliminated all NetBIOS dependent application on your network. At that point, you can decommission your WINS Server, and then disable the NetBIOS interface on all your network clients. When you do that, really good things happen, like the Browser Service no longer functions! Chao
  6. Hanoi

    Terminal Service

    Hi Leute ! Ich habe ein Remote Verwaltung Program gefunden. Funktionieren wie TS von MS, aber kostenlos und einfacher. VNC (Virtual Network Computing - http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc) ist ein kostenloses Fernwartungstool, mit dem sie andere Rechner im Netz von ihrem aus administrieren können. Das kann zum Beispiel sehr praktisch sein, wenn sie auf den anderen Rechnern ein Anti-Virenupdate installieren müssen, diese aber im ganzen Haus verteilt sind. Aber nur mit TCP/IP protokoll, und lauft unter alle Betriebsystem. Noch ein interesante Program zum ganz website zu download : http://www.httrack.com Die Utilities arbeitet wie Webzip, aber schneller und einfacher. Chao
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