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  1. Hallo ich brauch mal Hilfe Habe mir zwei Router cisco 801 zugelegt dies habe ich neu configuriert. Die Conf hat eine Woche lang gut Funktionier. danach war der Router nicht mehr erreichbar und verteilt auch keine IP an die Clients hier die Configuration Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS C800 Software (C800-Y6-MW), Version 12.0(5)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright © 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Fri 23-Jul-99 01:30 by kpma Image text-base: 0x000E9000, data-base: 0x00595000 ROM: TinyROM version 1.2(2) ***** uptime is 5 minutes System returned to ROM by power-on System restarted at 13:30:02 UTC Sun Jan 8 2006 System image file is "flash:c800-y6-mw.120-5.T" Cisco C801 (MPC850) processor (revision 1) with 43112K bytes of virtual memory. Processor board ID JAD041008TZ CPU part number 33 Bridging software. Basic Rate ISDN software, Version 1.1. 1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 1 ISDN Basic Rate interface(s) 4M bytes of physical memory (DRAM) 8K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory 8M bytes of flash on board (4M from flash card) Configuration register is 0x2102 ------------------ show running-config ------------------ Building configuration... Current configuration: ! ! Last configuration change at 13:35:32 UTC Sun Jan 8 2006 ! NVRAM config last updated at 13:34:26 UTC Sun Jan 8 2006 ! version 12.0 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log uptime service password-encryption ! hostname ****** ! logging buffered 8192 debugging enable secret 5 <removed> ! username ***** password 7 <removed> ! ! ! ! ip subnet-zero no ip source-route ! ip dhcp pool DHCPPoolLAN_0 network dns-server default-router ! ip name-server ip name-server isdn switch-type basic-net3 ! ! process-max-time 200 ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ip access-group 121 in no ip directed-broadcast no ip proxy-arp ip nat inside ! interface BRI0 no ip address no ip directed-broadcast encapsulation ppp dialer pool-member 1 isdn switch-type basic-net3 ppp authentication chap pap callin ! interface Dialer1 description ISP ip address negotiated ip access-group 121 in no ip directed-broadcast no ip proxy-arp ip nat outside encapsulation ppp no ip split-horizon dialer remote-name Cisco1 dialer idle-timeout 60 dialer string 01920785 class DialClass dialer hold-queue 10 dialer pool 1 dialer-group 1 ppp authentication chap pap callin ppp chap hostname ***** ppp chap password ***** ppp pap sent-username ***** password ***** ! ip nat inside source list 18 interface Dialer1 overload no ip http server ip classless ip route Dialer1 ! ! map-class dialer DialClass dialer isdn short-hold 120 access-list 18 permit access-list 121 deny udp any eq netbios-dgm any access-list 121 deny udp any eq netbios-ns any access-list 121 deny udp any eq netbios-ss any access-list 121 deny tcp any eq 137 any access-list 121 deny tcp any eq 138 any access-list 121 deny tcp any eq 139 any access-list 121 permit ip any any time-range TIME dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit ! line con 0 exec-timeout 120 0 transport input none stopbits 1 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 0 0 login local ! time-range TIME periodic daily 0:00 to 23:59 ! end Beim ersten Router dacht ich es ist ein Hardware-Fehler da der zweite jedoch die gleichen Symtome zeigt kann es wohl kein Hardwaredefekt sein Was mache ich falsch ??
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