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Using the Directory Service Comparison Tool (Software & Video)
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von samsam in: Windows Server Forum
Directory Service Comparison Tool 2.0 B3 The Directory Service Comparison Tool makes use of Active Directory and Active Directory snapshots to enable the following functionality: * Display differences between objects in Active Directory and Active Directory Snapshots * Restore attribute values from snapshots to Active Directory * Reanimate deleted objects * Group membership restore Display differences in group membership for a selected object (users, computers and groups). Allows for full or selective restore of group membership at any time. * Active Directory audit integration Retrieve relevant AD audit event log entries for a specific object from all domain controllers in a domain. Filtering options allow you to find and inspect attribute specific event log entries. * Tree view [new] DSCT displays added/modified/deleted objects in a familiar tree structure. Objects are color coded depending on the type of operation (the color part still needs some work, my respect to anyone who designs GUIs for a living) * Differences in the membership of a group[new] DSCT can now show you which objects were added and removed from a group since the snapshot was taken. A list of new features and improvements in DSCT 2.0 can be found in this post. Have fun and keep in mind that this is a beta version! Special thanks to Daniel Brad for some real world testing Directory Service Comparison Tool 2.0 B3 The Directory Service Comparison Tool makes use of Active Directory and Active Directory snapshots to enable the following functionality: * Display differences between objects in Active Directory and Active Directory Snapshots * Restore attribute values from snapshots to Active Directory * Reanimate deleted objects * Group membership restore Display differences in group membership for a selected object (users, computers and groups). Allows for full or selective restore of group membership at any time. * Active Directory audit integration Retrieve relevant AD audit event log entries for a specific object from all domain controllers in a domain. Filtering options allow you to find and inspect attribute specific event log entries. * Tree view [new] DSCT displays added/modified/deleted objects in a familiar tree structure. Objects are color coded depending on the type of operation (the color part still needs some work, my respect to anyone who designs GUIs for a living) * Differences in the membership of a group[new] DSCT can now show you which objects were added and removed from a group since the snapshot was taken. -
Using the Directory Service Comparison Tool (Software & Video)
samsam hat einem Thema erstellt in: Windows Server Forum
As I’ve mentioned before my friend and colleague has developed a tool which makes the Active Directory snapshots functionality useful. The tool is called Directory Service Comparison Tool and the version available at the moment is 1.2.1. In this movie I’m showing the functionality you get from this nifty utility. You can compare objects in your production Active Directory with the values in your snapshot. Not only that, but you can restore objects from your snapshot as well as single attributes. AND (I’m starting to sound like someone on the home shopping channel now) you can restore groups and group memberships from your snapshot into your Active Directory. The tool is available in both x86 and x64-versions and you’ll need .Net framework 2.0 to run it. How-To Use Video but without Audio(You can %100 understand) http://www.nullsession.com/wp-content/DSCT/DSCT.zip Download powerpoint(DSCT.pptx) http://www.nullsession.com/wp-content/DSCT/DSCT.pptx -
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vielen dank
hallo habe heute mit 968 punkt 70-291 bestanden, die prüfung war nicht so schwer dass ich von leute gehört habe. wer will sich vorbereiten, braucht Virtual Machine, MS-Press Buch und am ende CBT-Nuggets Video dann %100 schafft. viele fragen kommt von DNS, RRAS mfg
70-290 bestanden aber!
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von samsam in: MS Zertifizierungen — Prüfungen
letzte mal bei 70-620 prüfung 1 woche gedauert bis mein MCP Transcript bekommen -
70-290 bestanden aber!
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von samsam in: MS Zertifizierungen — Prüfungen
vielen vielen dank für die schnelle antwort -
70-290 bestanden aber!
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von samsam in: MS Zertifizierungen — Prüfungen
hallo Ilem danke auf deine schnelle antwort ich habe heute in mcp webseite war aber habe noch nicht Microsoft-Transcript gesehen ich weis nur nicht wieso habe diese email bekommen wenn ich prüfung bestanden, verstehe nicht!!! aber ich habe beim New Horizon Hamburg test gemacht und habe Ausdruck vom Test-Center also muß ich 1 woche warte oder habe falsch verstanden ich danke dir wenn du wieder antwortest -
70-290 bestanden aber!
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von samsam in: MS Zertifizierungen — Prüfungen
hat jemand keine ahnung??????? -
hallo ich habe am 20.08.09 70-290 mit 926 punkt bestanden aber heute habe von microsoft diese email bekommen für exam wiederholung, wieso , weis es nix:(:confused: kann jemand mich helfen was soll ich tun??? Important information about your MCP exam{~24744736:1~} MICROSOFT CERTIFICATION IS IN YOUR REACH Thank you for taking a Microsoft Certification exam. Although you did not pass, exam, we are confident that success is well within your reach. Microsoft Certification exams are more rigorous than ever before. Passing them will assist in demonstrating your skills and knowledge to your peers and employers; and, that you have what it takes to meet the demanding standards Microsoft Certification requires. Visit Microsoft Learning: Microsoft Certification Exams and start right now. We have gathered a wealth of information at Microsoft Learning: Microsoft Certification Exams to give you a head start toward re-taking the exam. We have also created an Microsoft Certification ID for you to use when you register for future exams; it will ensure access to your exam records and proper credit for the exams you take. Once you pass your exam, your ID will also give you access to the Microsoft Certification private site and the benefits of membership. Your Microsoft Certification ID number is: xxxxxxxx. There is no time like the present. Thank you for your dedication and commitment. We are eager to help you achieve the Microsoft Certification you have worked for. Start at Microsoft Learning: Microsoft Certification Exams with the selected resources we have identified, and we will work together to help make it happen! Thank you, The Microsoft Certification Program Team ************************************************************************************ Please do not reply to this e-mail message. If you have comments or questions or need help, please contact your Regional Service Center: Microsoft Learning: Help.
Vorbereitung auf 70-290
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von Whistleblower in: MS Zertifizierungen — Prüfungen
hallo diablo_ger wann schickst die Notzien lg -
Vorbereitung auf 70-290
samsam antwortete auf ein Thema von Whistleblower in: MS Zertifizierungen — Prüfungen
hallo diablo_ger Kannst du mir bitte auch mal die Notizen schicken danke lg -
achso danke für schnelle antwort, ich habe gefragt, weil von viele leute gehört, muß windows server 2000 richtig kennen. danke lg
ist das egal, dass ich von server 2000 keine ahnung habe? kann ich richtig mit MS-Press mich vorbereiten? sorry dass ich zu viel frage danke
ich habe die moc aber auch MS-Press, welche ist besser, weil ich war 8j nicht in IT und habe keine ahnung von win2000 server. lg
Hallo @LL ich brauche eine gute tip, habe 70-620 letzte woche abgelegt und jetzt will 70-290.aber weis nicht wie soll ich mich vorbereiten.ich war ab 2000 nicht in diese branche aber vor 2000 war ich admin NT3.5 server und Netware(Novell). soll ich moc lesen oder besser MS-Press 70-290. kann jemand gur tip geben. danke