Active Directory Domain Services Replication encountered the existence of objects in the following partition that have been deleted from the local domain controllers (DCs) Active Directory Domain Services database. Not all direct or transitive replication partners replicated in the deletion before the tombstone lifetime number of days passed. Objects that have been deleted and garbage collected from an Active Directory Domain Services partition but still exist in the writable partitions of other DCs in the same domain, or read-only partitions of global catalog servers in other domains in the forest are known as "lingering objects".
Source domain controller:
CN=d59ee856-81c6-4e53-83e4-72cb9e3ed608\0ADEL:cd51205a-98f0-4bdd-a9e7-8f41df2f4790,CN=Deleted Objects,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=net
Object GUID:
cd51205a-98f0-4bdd-a9e7-8f41df2f4790 This event is being logged because the source DC contains a lingering object which does not exist on the local DCs Active Directory Domain Services database. This replication attempt has been blocked.
Mit den Befehl repadmin /removelingeringobjects konnte ich das Objekt nicht löschen, da das Objekt unter CN=Deleted Objects,CN=Configuration,DC=contoso,DC=net liegt.
DC´s sind Windows 2003 und 2008
betrieben im 2003 Modus
Mit ldp.exe kann ich mir das Objekt anzeigen lassen, aber nicht löschen.
Hat einer noch eine Idee wie man das Objekt entfernen bzw. löschen kann???