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Fortschritt von nowayout
Neue E-Mails werden in der Android Outlook App nicht mehr angezeigt
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von phatair in: MS Exchange Forum
was mir da einfällt ist der Punkt: Posteingang mit Relevanz mein lieblingssatz: willst das es funktioniert nimmst a Iphone :P -
Script per "Computername" speichern
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von nowayout in: Windows Forum — Scripting
in einen meiner ersten posts hab ich geschrieben das es das skript ist :( sorry das es nicht genau erklärt habe. ja und ich will das script erweitern damit ich auch zuordnen kann welcher pc, und bei der gelegenheit auch welches update drauf ist z.b. 19044. super danke, werde es mir anschauen und dann berichten :) lg gerald aus wien Also meine aufgabenstellung war: finde heraus welche windows version auf den PC`s istalliert ist, und ist der pc windows 11 tauglich. dann hab ich gesucht und das skript für die windows 11 überprüfung gefunden. und denn rest hab ich selbst reingedoktort :) (leider ned so wie ich das haben möchte) meine idee im kopf war halt bei meinen kunden einfach das skript auszuführen und dann am server eine csv finden die mit die daten zeigt. und ich sie dann pro Kunde in eine excel reingebe :) so wollte ich es haben: pro PC: "NB06";"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro";"19044" NOT CAPABLE "NB07";"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro";"19044" CAPABLE "NB08";"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro";"19044" NOT CAPABLE hoffe das ich es jetzt erklärt habe das man es versteht. bin gerne für andere ideen offen die meine umsetzung unterstützen. lg aus wien gerald -
Script per "Computername" speichern
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von nowayout in: Windows Forum — Scripting
das habe ich ja e vom "HauptSkript" {"returnCode":1,"returnReason":"TPM, Processor, ","logging":"Storage: OSDiskSize=238GB. PASS; Memory: System_Memory=8GB. PASS; TPM: TPMVersion=1.2, 2, 3. FAIL; Processor: {AddressWidth=64; MaxClockSpeed=2594; NumberOfLogicalCores=4; Manufacturer=GenuineIntel; Caption=Intel64 Family 6 Model 61 Stepping 4; }. FAIL; SecureBoot: Capable. PASS; ","returnResult":"NOT CAPABLE"} aber wie gesagt durch die erste abfrage Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object CsCaption,OsName,OsBuildNumber | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\Win11_Readyness.csv" -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation bekomme ich den output nicht in das csv. rein. -
nowayout folgt jetzt dem Inhalt: Script per "Computername" speichern und Neue E-Mails werden in der Android Outlook App nicht mehr angezeigt
Neue E-Mails werden in der Android Outlook App nicht mehr angezeigt
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von phatair in: MS Exchange Forum
hallo, was genau meinst du mit Outlook App ? meinst du APP am handy? da die "gesendeten" angezeigt werden, und nur der posteingang nicht geht läst auf eine einstellung in der app zu schliessen. -
Script per "Computername" speichern
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von nowayout in: Windows Forum — Scripting
Hallo, bin nun endlich zum testen gekommen: habe jetzt eingefügt: Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object CsCaption,OsName,OsBuildNumber | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\Win11_Readyness.csv" -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation leider kommt der output vom eigendlichem Skript nicht in die csv :( alles was ich bekomme: "CsCaption";"OsName";"OsBuildNumber" "NB06";"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro";"19044" also mir fehlt: {"returnCode":1,"returnReason":"TPM, Processor, ","logging":"Storage: OSDiskSize=238GB. PASS; Memory: System_Memory=8GB. PASS; TPM: TPMVersion=1.2, 2, 3. FAIL; Processor: {AddressWidth=64; MaxClockSpeed=2594; NumberOfLogicalCores=4; Manufacturer=GenuineIntel; Caption=Intel64 Family 6 Model 61 Stepping 4; }. FAIL; SecureBoot: Capable. PASS; ","returnResult":"NOT CAPABLE"} im csv. am liebsten wäre mir nur der NOT CAPABLE oder CAPABLE. als weitere spalte im csv. wunsch z.b. : "NB06";"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro";"19044" NOT CAPABLE bitte und danke für die hilfe ;) lg gerald -
Script per "Computername" speichern
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von nowayout in: Windows Forum — Scripting
@Murdoc danke für deine Hilfe, werde es testen, sage dann bescheid. lg Gerald -
Script per "Computername" speichern
nowayout antwortete auf ein Thema von nowayout in: Windows Forum — Scripting
Hallo, ja das script ist readiness-powershell-script/, ich habe nur die abfrage Get-ComputerInfo | ft CsCaption,OsName,OsBuildNumber reingegeben. wie ich es in die GPO einbau weiß ich, ich möchte nur wissen wie ich die ausgabe in ein CSV mache. da ich mit $computername= get-computerinfo cscaption Out-File -FilePath C:\temp\$computername.txt leider den gewünschten erfolg nicht bekomme :( und alles leer ist. und auch nicht weiß wo genau ich das hinschreiben muss. :( danke für eure hilfe lg und ein schönen WE. -
hallo habe leider zu wenig ahnung mit Scripten ... ich möchte gerne wissen: Name des Computers, WindowsVersion, und osbuildnumber, und eine abfrage ob dieser pc Windows 11 tauglich ist. soweit hab ich es mir zusammen gesucht. mein problem: ich will das ganze per GPO ausführen, und die datei am server mit dem computer namen abspeichern. wie kann ich das im Script hinterlegen? kann ich auch die ausgabe minimieren? da die ausgabe: CsCaption OsName OsBuildNumber {"returnCode":1,"returnReason":"TPM, Processor, ","logging":"Storage: OSDiskSize=238GB. PASS; Memory: System_Memory=8GB. PASS; TPM: TPMVersion=1.2, 2, 3. FAIL; Processor: {AddressWidth=64; MaxClockSpeed=2594; NumberOfLogicalCores=4; Manufacturer=GenuineIntel; Caption=Intel64 Family 6 Model 61 Stepping 4; }. FAIL; SecureBoot: Capable. PASS; ","returnResult":"NOT CAPABLE"} ist. mit würde reichen CsCaption OsName OsBuildNumber Win11 NB06 Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 19044 CAPABLE / NOT CAPABLE hier das script: danke danke für die hilfe. lg Gerald Get-ComputerInfo | ft CsCaption,OsName,OsBuildNumber $exitCode = 0 [int]$MinOSDiskSizeGB = 64 [int]$MinMemoryGB = 4 [Uint32]$MinClockSpeedMHz = 1000 [Uint32]$MinLogicalCores = 2 [Uint16]$RequiredAddressWidth = 64 $PASS_STRING = "PASS" $FAIL_STRING = "FAIL" $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING = "FAILED TO RUN" $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING = "UNDETERMINED" $UNDETERMINED_STRING = "Undetermined" $CAPABLE_STRING = "Capable" $NOT_CAPABLE_STRING = "Not capable" $CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING = "CAPABLE" $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING = "NOT CAPABLE" $STORAGE_STRING = "Storage" $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING = "OSDiskSize" $MEMORY_STRING = "Memory" $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING = "System_Memory" $GB_UNIT_STRING = "GB" $TPM_STRING = "TPM" $TPM_VERSION_STRING = "TPMVersion" $PROCESSOR_STRING = "Processor" $SECUREBOOT_STRING = "SecureBoot" $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING = "i7-7820hq CPU" # 0=name of check, 1=attribute checked, 2=value, 3=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormat = '{0}: {1}={2}. {3}; ' # 0=name of check, 1=attribute checked, 2=value, 3=unit of the value, 4=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormatWithUnit = '{0}: {1}={2}{3}. {4}; ' # 0=name of check. $logFormatReturnReason = '{0}, ' # 0=exception. $logFormatException = '{0}; ' # 0=name of check, 1= attribute checked and its value, 2=PASS/FAIL/UNDETERMINED $logFormatWithBlob = '{0}: {1}. {2}; ' # return returnCode is -1 when an exception is thrown. 1 if the value does not meet requirements. 0 if successful. -2 default, script didn't run. $outObject = @{ returnCode = -2; returnResult = $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING; returnReason = ""; logging = "" } # NOT CAPABLE(1) state takes precedence over UNDETERMINED(-1) state function Private:UpdateReturnCode { param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(-2, 1)] [int] $ReturnCode ) Switch ($ReturnCode) { 0 { if ($outObject.returnCode -eq -2) { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } } 1 { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } -1 { if ($outObject.returnCode -ne 1) { $outObject.returnCode = $ReturnCode } } } } $Source = @" using Microsoft.Win32; using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class CpuFamilyResult { public bool IsValid { get; set; } public string Message { get; set; } } public class CpuFamily { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct SYSTEM_INFO { public ushort ProcessorArchitecture; ushort Reserved; public uint PageSize; public IntPtr MinimumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr MaximumApplicationAddress; public IntPtr ActiveProcessorMask; public uint NumberOfProcessors; public uint ProcessorType; public uint AllocationGranularity; public ushort ProcessorLevel; public ushort ProcessorRevision; } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] internal static extern void GetNativeSystemInfo(ref SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo); public enum ProcessorFeature : uint { ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS = 34 } [DllImport("kernel32.dll")] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] static extern bool IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature processorFeature); private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86 = 0; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64 = 12; private const ushort PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64 = 9; private const string INTEL_MANUFACTURER = "GenuineIntel"; private const string AMD_MANUFACTURER = "AuthenticAMD"; private const string QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER = "Qualcomm Technologies Inc"; public static CpuFamilyResult Validate(string manufacturer, ushort processorArchitecture) { CpuFamilyResult cpuFamilyResult = new CpuFamilyResult(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(manufacturer)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Manufacturer is null or empty"; return cpuFamilyResult; } string registryPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Hardware\\Description\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0"; SYSTEM_INFO sysInfo = new SYSTEM_INFO(); GetNativeSystemInfo(ref sysInfo); switch (processorArchitecture) { case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_ARM64: if (manufacturer.Equals(QUALCOMM_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { bool isArmv81Supported = IsProcessorFeaturePresent(ProcessorFeature.ARM_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS); if (!isArmv81Supported) { string registryName = "CP 4030"; long registryValue = (long)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); long atomicResult = (registryValue >> 20) & 0xF; if (atomicResult >= 2) { isArmv81Supported = true; } } cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = isArmv81Supported; cpuFamilyResult.Message = isArmv81Supported ? "" : "Processor does not implement ARM v8.1 atomic instruction"; } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "The processor isn't currently supported for Windows 11"; } break; case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X64: case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_X86: int cpuFamily = sysInfo.ProcessorLevel; int cpuModel = (sysInfo.ProcessorRevision >> 8) & 0xFF; int cpuStepping = sysInfo.ProcessorRevision & 0xFF; if (manufacturer.Equals(INTEL_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { try { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily >= 6 && cpuModel <= 95 && !(cpuFamily == 6 && cpuModel == 85)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; } else if (cpuFamily == 6 && (cpuModel == 142 || cpuModel == 158) && cpuStepping == 9) { string registryName = "Platform Specific Field 1"; int registryValue = (int)Registry.GetValue(registryPath, registryName, -1); if ((cpuModel == 142 && registryValue != 16) || (cpuModel == 158 && registryValue != 8)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } cpuFamilyResult.Message = "PlatformId " + registryValue; } } catch (Exception ex) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Exception:" + ex.GetType().Name; } } else if (manufacturer.Equals(AMD_MANUFACTURER, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = true; cpuFamilyResult.Message = ""; if (cpuFamily < 23 || (cpuFamily == 23 && (cpuModel == 1 || cpuModel == 17))) { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; } } else { cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; } break; default: cpuFamilyResult.IsValid = false; cpuFamilyResult.Message = "Unsupported CPU category. Manufacturer: " + manufacturer + ", Architecture: " + processorArchitecture + ", CPUFamily: " + sysInfo.ProcessorLevel + ", ProcessorRevision: " + sysInfo.ProcessorRevision; break; } return cpuFamilyResult; } } "@ # Storage try { $osDrive = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -Property SystemDrive $osDriveSize = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -filter "DeviceID='$($osDrive.SystemDrive)'" | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Size / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($null -eq $osDriveSize) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $STORAGE_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $STORAGE_STRING, "Storage is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } elseif ($osDriveSize.SizeGB -lt $MinOSDiskSizeGB) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $STORAGE_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, ($osDriveSize.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, ($osDriveSize.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $STORAGE_STRING, $OS_DISK_SIZE_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # Memory (bytes) try { $memory = Get-WmiObject Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property Capacity -Sum | Select-Object @{Name = "SizeGB"; Expression = { $_.Sum / 1GB -as [int] } } if ($null -eq $memory) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $MEMORY_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $MEMORY_STRING, "Memory is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } elseif ($memory.SizeGB -lt $MinMemoryGB) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $MEMORY_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, ($memory.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithUnit -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, ($memory.SizeGB), $GB_UNIT_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $MEMORY_STRING, $SYSTEM_MEMORY_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # TPM try { $tpm = Get-Tpm if ($null -eq $tpm) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $TPM_STRING, "TPM is null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } elseif ($tpm.TpmPresent) { $tpmVersion = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Tpm -Namespace root\CIMV2\Security\MicrosoftTpm | Select-Object -Property SpecVersion if ($null -eq $tpmVersion.SpecVersion) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, "null", $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } $majorVersion = $tpmVersion.SpecVersion.Split(",")[0] -as [int] if ($majorVersion -lt 2) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion), $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpmVersion.SpecVersion), $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } else { if ($tpm.GetType().Name -eq "String") { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f $tpm } else { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $TPM_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, ($tpm.TpmPresent), $FAIL_STRING } $exitCode = 1 } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $TPM_STRING, $TPM_VERSION_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # CPU Details $cpuDetails; try { $cpuDetails = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor)[0] if ($null -eq $cpuDetails) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $exitCode = 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $PROCESSOR_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, "CpuDetails is null", $FAIL_STRING } else { $processorCheckFailed = $false # AddressWidth if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.AddressWidth -or $cpuDetails.AddressWidth -ne $RequiredAddressWidth) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } # ClockSpeed is in MHz if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed -or $cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed -le $MinClockSpeedMHz) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1; $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } # Number of Logical Cores if ($null -eq $cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -or $cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors -lt $MinLogicalCores) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } # CPU Family Add-Type -TypeDefinition $Source $cpuFamilyResult = [CpuFamily]::Validate([String]$cpuDetails.Manufacturer, [uint16]$cpuDetails.Architecture) $cpuDetailsLog = "{AddressWidth=$($cpuDetails.AddressWidth); MaxClockSpeed=$($cpuDetails.MaxClockSpeed); NumberOfLogicalCores=$($cpuDetails.NumberOfLogicalProcessors); Manufacturer=$($cpuDetails.Manufacturer); Caption=$($cpuDetails.Caption); $($cpuFamilyResult.Message)}" if (!$cpuFamilyResult.IsValid) { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $processorCheckFailed = $true $exitCode = 1 } if ($processorCheckFailed) { $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $PROCESSOR_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, ($cpuDetailsLog), $FAIL_STRING } else { $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, ($cpuDetailsLog), $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } } } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormat -f $PROCESSOR_STRING, $PROCESSOR_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # SecureBooot try { $isSecureBootEnabled = Confirm-SecureBootUEFI $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $CAPABLE_STRING, $PASS_STRING UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 0 } catch [System.PlatformNotSupportedException] { # PlatformNotSupportedException "Cmdlet not supported on this platform." - SecureBoot is not supported or is non-UEFI computer. UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode 1 $outObject.returnReason += $logFormatReturnReason -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $NOT_CAPABLE_STRING, $FAIL_STRING $exitCode = 1 } catch [System.UnauthorizedAccessException] { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } catch { UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $SECUREBOOT_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } # i7-7820hq CPU try { $supportedDevices = @('surface studio 2', 'precision 5520') $systemInfo = @(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem)[0] if ($null -ne $cpuDetails) { if ($cpuDetails.Name -match 'i7-7820hq cpu @ 2.90ghz'){ $modelOrSKUCheckLog = $systemInfo.Model.Trim() if ($supportedDevices -contains $modelOrSKUCheckLog){ $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING, $modelOrSKUCheckLog, $PASS_STRING $outObject.returnCode = 0 $exitCode = 0 } } } } catch { if ($outObject.returnCode -ne 0){ UpdateReturnCode -ReturnCode -1 $outObject.logging += $logFormatWithBlob -f $I7_7820HQ_CPU_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_STRING, $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING $outObject.logging += $logFormatException -f "$($_.Exception.GetType().Name) $($_.Exception.Message)" $exitCode = 1 } } Switch ($outObject.returnCode) { 0 { $outObject.returnResult = $CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING } 1 { $outObject.returnResult = $NOT_CAPABLE_CAPS_STRING } -1 { $outObject.returnResult = $UNDETERMINED_CAPS_STRING } -2 { $outObject.returnResult = $FAILED_TO_RUN_STRING } } $outObject | ConvertTo-Json -Compress