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Microsoft Product Support's Reporting Tools

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Hi Boardianer,


hab durch einen Supportcall bei Microsoft ein paar sehr interessante Toosl kennengelernt.


Diese Tools führen alle Analysefunktionen automatisch durch die man normalerweise manuell machen sollte. Sammelt diese Informationen und speichert sie in der kompakten CAB-Dateiform.


Beschreibung von Microsoft:


The Microsoft Product Support Reporting Tool facilitates the gathering of critical system and logging information used in troubleshooting support issues. The reporting tool DOES NOT make any registry changes or modifications to the operating system. There are 8 specialty versions, one for each of the following support scenario categories: Alliance, Directory Services (not for Windows NT 4.0), Networking, Clustering, SQL, Software Update Services, MDAC and Base/Setup/Storage/Print/Performance. Each version gathers some of the same basic information but there are specific reports unique to each of the support scenario categories. Please read the readme.txt files for more details about each version.


Das "MPSRPT_Network" Tool führt z.B. folgende Aktionen durch:

MPSRpt.cmd                              - Command script used to create all the reports.
2000.cmd                                - Contains all commands to run if machine is running Windows 2000.
NT4.cmd                                 - Contains all commands to run if machine is running Windows NT 4.
XP.cmd                                  - Contains all commands to run if machine is running Windows XP.
Net.cmd	                                - Contains all commands to run if machine is running Widnows .Net.
Finish.cmd                              - Contains all commands necessary to build the cab file.
CHOICE.EXE   Version 5.2.3765.0         - Resource Kit utility to allow you to pick an OS if one is not automatically determined.
MAKECAB.EXE  Version 5.2.3765.0         - Resource Kit utility to compress all files into a single cab file.
QFECHECK.EXE Version 5.00.2195.3137   	- Resource Kit utility to dump out a list of installed hotfixes (Windows 2000 only).
DUMPEL.EXE   				- Resource Kit utility to dump the event logs to a text file.
DUMPEVT.EXE  				- Utility that dumps Event Logs in EVT format.
PSTAT40.EXE  Version 4.00		- Resource Kit utility to dump running processes and device drivers 4.0.
PSTAT50.EXE  Version 5.2.3772.0		- Resource Kit utility to dump running processes and device drivers 2000.
REG.EXE      Version		- Resource Kit utility to dump registry values.
GETVER.EXE   				- Utility used to determine version of Windows NT running.
CheckSym.exe Version 2.3		- Utility that gathers version and symbol information from executable files.
Checksym.txt 				- Readme file for CHECKSYM.EXE.
EULA.TXT     				- End User License Agreement. 
Readme.txt   				- This file
NetDiag.exe  				- Utility that gathers network information.
DCDiag.exe   Version 5.0.2195.4827  	- Utility that gathers information from a Domain Controller.
DCDiag2k3.exe Version                   - Renamed DCdiag.exe for Windows 2003.
NetXP.exe    Version 5.1.2600.0		- Renamed Netdiag.exe from Windows XP.
Net2K3.exe   Version 5.2.3790.0         - Renamed Netdiag.exe from Windows Windows 2003 Server. 
Tstst.exe                               - Utility to gather Terminal Services configuration information.
gpreults.exe Version 5.00.2184.1        - Resource Kit utility to dump the Group Policies on this box.
gpres2k3.exe Version 5.2.3790.0         - Renamed GPresults.exe for Windows 2003. 
ISAinfo.vbs  Version 1.9.5              - Collects Configuration of ISA 2000 Server.


Download Microsoft Product Support's Reporting Tools

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