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IE 7 über WSUS in deutsch veröffentlicht

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Mal wieder typisch Microsoft.....

Jetzt wird es sicherlich wieder eine Weile dauern bis die entgültige Version des IE7 kommt.

Mal wieder typisch pauschale Aussage... :rolleyes:

Also, seit gestern bin ich immer wieder darüber gestoplert, dass ich bei Updates über das Internet den IE7 mit installieren konnte (was ich momentan aber nicht tue). Es handelt sich hierbei um die finale Version!



In der WSUS-Config kann ich doch IE7.0 Dynamic Installer auswählen. Was passiert, wenn man diese Option anhakt? Wird dann auch die deutsche Version installiert?


Ich wiederhole mich mal: Der IE7 an sich ist schon i.O. Der Installer über WSUS hat auch funktioniert, wenn die Installation manuell mit Adminrechten gestarte wurde ( "Es sind neue Updates verfügar, klicken Sie hier..." usw.) Was nicht ging ist die übliche Installation im Hintergrund oder beim Herunterfahren. Nun warten wir einfach mal ab.




Und hier die Gründe dafür:

The version of IE7 released 11/20/06 fails installation on all client

machines with the following error "Esta instalacion no es compatible con el

idioma actual del sistema operative" Which translates as: This installation

is not compatible with the present language of the operating system.

Subject: Subject: IE 7.0 release update

Date: 11/22/2006 6:54 PM PST

From: Bobbie Harder (MSFT) <bobbieh@online.microsoft.com>

Newsgroups: microsoft.public.windows.server.update_services


Hi Folks -

We have verified a problem in the metadata for the latest IE7.0 update

rollup package which impacts the installation behavior for all locales, and

results in an Spanish error dialog after installation as reported..


To immediately address the spread of this issue, the IE7.0 update package

has been expired effective 5:00PM PST, Wednesday, 11/22/06. Synchronizing

WSUS servers after 5:00PM PST will ensure the expiration status is applied

to the latest IE7.0 update rollup package, released 11/21/06.


Clients which are currently displaying a Spanish error dialog, or are

rechecking for this update package, can be stopped from doing so via the

following steps:

If the update was approved for a scheduled installation:

1. Stop the AU service.

2. Kill the following processes -

a. Iesetup.exe

b. Ie7-WindowsXP-x86-esn.exe

3. Start the AU service after you have synchronized the WSUS server to

expire the IE7 update.

4. Run the command wuauclt.exe /detectnow. We have to do this to

reset the IE 7 status on the client. In my test, it offered the IE7 update

again, so it did not check back with the WSUS server where it had been

changed to detect only status.


If it is a manual kick off with the AU icon from systray, then clicking okay

to the error message, clears the IE setup executables, so we can just do the

following -

1. Stop the AU service

2. Start the AU service after you have synchronized the WSUS server to

expire the IE7 update.

3. Run the command wuauclt.exe /detectnow. We have to do this to

reset the IE 7 status on the client. In my test, it offered the IE7 update

again, so it did not check back with the WSUS server where it had been

changed to detect only status.


If other updates were installed at the same time, a reboot will be required

to finish off the updates that did install for both scenarios above.


Attached is a sample batch file Before running a similar batch file you will

have had to either synchronize to ensure the update is expired , or have had

changed the update approval to Not Approved or Dectect Only. The batch

file sample can be run on the client system either from a logon script or

running it manually on the client.

A new update rollup package for this IE 7.0 release will be available for

synchronization early next week. We regret the inconvenience and confusion

this issue may have caused WSUS customers. Thank you for your reports and

enabling us to get this issue headed off so quickly.


- Bobbie Harder









Anscheinend wurde ein korrigiertes Update nachgeschoben:


Eben mal Syncronisiert:


New Update Alert

The following 1 new updates have been synchronized to LOCUTUS since Thursday, November 23, 2006 5:33 PM (GMT).



Critical and Security Updates

No new critical or security updates were synchronized.



Other Updates

Windows Internet Explorer 7.0 for Windows XP

This free upgrade to Internet Explorer for genuine Windows customers offers improvements such as: enhanced security to help protect you from malicious software and fraudulent websites; a cleaner look, including tabs for browsing multiple pages in one window; features to make everyday tasks such as printing and searching the web easier. This upgrade preserves your current home page, search settings, favorites, and compatible toolbars, and can be uninstalled if you decide to do so. This update includes Windows Genuine Advantage validation.


Hmm bei mir gibt es keine spanische Fehlermeldung und unsere Server haben sich auch den IE7 problemlos gezogen und installiert, nur die Clients streiken noch. Wenn das Update beim Herunterfahren installiert werden soll, scheinen sich die Kisten allesamt wegzuhängen. Hat dieses Problem auch jmd. oder bin ich da der einzige?





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