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Beta examen 71-621

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Nein, durch die relativ grobe und nicht grade aussagekräftige Angabe ist mir nun auch nicht mehr klar als vorher *g*


Ich weiß ja selber bei welchen Fragen in der Prüfung ich unsicher war, das ist deutlich hilfreicher ;)


Dann bin ich ja gespannt wie lang Trika dafür braucht ;) In dem Blog steht allerdinge noch nix. Hast eine neue Brieffreundin gefunden? :cool:




70-621 earns the MCTS: Vista and MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician. Your transcript should (and will, eventually) show EXAM 621 and the two certifications I just listed. Your transcript will NOT show EXAM 620 or 622 (the direct path to earn MCTS Vista and MCITP EST). So if you plan to use 620 as an elective on something, you'll need to take that exam separately. The tools team is working on why the exams are showing up on transcripts but not the certifications.


"So, a booth babe and a geek walk in to a bar..." : news about MCDST-->Vista exam 70-621


mfg, Shrek


Es gibt offensichtlich einen ganzen Haufen, die nur die erste Beta gemacht haben und immer noch kein Ergebnis haben, so wie es bei mir auch der Fall ist. MS hat wohl die Ergebnisse verlegt und sucht sie ;>>)

Hier eine Antwort von Trikah:

Things we're aware of and checking on:

1. First beta results--where are they


Hört sich nicht so toll an. Auch ist der Voucher, der mir geschickt worden ist, nur bis zum 03.06.07 gültig. Da muß nochmal nachverhandelt werden.







nicht so ungeduldig :p


If that is you (took 620, 621, or 622 and not showing the right certs in your transcript), rest assured it is being updated now. With new exams/certifications we can run in to glitches with the many business rules that assign cert credit for new exams in our cert tree/transcript/DB tools. That is what is happening here, and we're fixing it.

Updates are being made now so your

620 exam pass will = MCTS: Vista

621 pass will = MCTS: Vista and MCITP: Enterprise Support,

620+622 passes = MCTS: Vista and MCITP: Enterprise Support, too.

620 will credit your completion of MCSA/E 2000 or 2003 if you used it as your elective




mfg, Shrek


Für die Kanidaten, die nur die erste Beta gemacht haben, auch aus dem Link von Shrek, nur etwas weiter oben:


You have not gotten score reports because they are still in process. Lame, I know, but a fact. Remember how we said we would score those against the new scoring model (created in the 2nd beta) and that it would be a manual process? So, it's the manual process and manpower time that is taking a while.

I know the exams are live... but in this case you'll keep that "TAKEN" status on your reporting until we process each of those records sometime in the next three weeks. Again, lame. Again, sorry. But the live exam is not going anywhere and you should still have time to use your free voucher (or the 40% discount on 621 that is coming up momentarily) to complete it if you find you did not pass on the first go around.

  • 2 Wochen später...



bis Freitag soll das wohl geregelt sein:


Per this post, it is a known issue that not all of the Vista exams are adding up to the right credentials on your transcripts. First, we know that is really, really lame and I want to apologize, again, for the slow turn on updating this. Second, I've been told that a fix is in the works and your transcripts should, if all goes according to plan, be updated by Friday, including:


MCDST+621 = MCTS: Vista AND MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician

620 = MCTS: Vista

620+622 = MCITP: Enterprise Support Technician

620 = core client elective for MCSA 2003, MCSE 2003


"So, a booth babe and a geek walk in to a bar..." : Vista transcript woes: the latest


mfg, Shrek

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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