carla 10 Geschrieben 12. Februar 2007 Melden Geschrieben 12. Februar 2007 I want to reinstall Windows Xp soon, as I got a virus and after cleaning the computer doesn't work as smooth as before. I gives some strange erros and sometimes it justs hangs up... I want to backup Outlook Express emails and settings before reinstall, and restore afterwards. Any help? Zitieren
mcdaniels 33 Geschrieben 12. Februar 2007 Melden Geschrieben 12. Februar 2007 Hi Carla! The easiest way is to search for files with the ending *.dbx. (you have to active the search for hidden folders and files). DBX-files are the Outlook Express database files. These files are normally found in multiple subfolders of your userprofile. Sorry, but i don't know the exact english names. For every Outlook Express folder there is a file with the same name. For example if you have got a folder named Outgoing there also shlould be a file named outgoing.dbx for a folder named incoming there should be a folder named incoming.dbx I use to save these files to DVD or CD. When i reinstall my system i just import the files from DVD or CD. If you want to save your Adressbook to you can export it directly from outlook express or search for a files with the ending *.wab. You have to activate the search for hidden folders and files) Just copy the file to a Backup media (CD DVD...) You can import the Adress book after reinstalling your system. greetings Zitieren
carla 10 Geschrieben 13. Februar 2007 Autor Melden Geschrieben 13. Februar 2007 Thank you for your suggestions. I will try it out. I found Outlook Express Backup Genie which does the job right and fast.Thanks again! Zitieren
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