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Outlook Express Backup

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Hi Carla!


The easiest way is to search for files with the ending *.dbx. (you have to active the search for hidden folders and files). DBX-files are the Outlook Express database files.


These files are normally found in multiple subfolders of your userprofile. Sorry, but i don't know the exact english names.


For every Outlook Express folder there is a file with the same name. For example if you have got a folder named Outgoing there also shlould be a file named outgoing.dbx for a folder named incoming there should be a folder named incoming.dbx


I use to save these files to DVD or CD. When i reinstall my system i just import the files from DVD or CD.


If you want to save your Adressbook to you can export it directly from outlook express or search for a files with the ending *.wab. You have to activate the search for hidden folders and files)


Just copy the file to a Backup media (CD DVD...)


You can import the Adress book after reinstalling your system.



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