fanman66 10 Geschrieben 5. März 2007 Melden Geschrieben 5. März 2007 Hallo, habe auf einem Windows SBS 2003 Server mit Exchange von pop3 connector auf pullmail zum Abholen von E-Mails umgestellt. Nun kommen ständig solche Meldungen beim Abholen mit der Event ID 267. EventID.Net und google geben nichts her. EVENT # 15442EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply 'Return-Path: <>' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3071', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15443 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply 'Delivery-Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 19:01:23 +0100' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3072', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15444 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply 'Received-SPF: none (mxeu18: is neither permitted nor denied by domain of client-ip=;; helo=KEEPER;' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3073', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15445 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply 'Received: from [] (helo=KEEPER)' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3074', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15446 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply ' by (node=mxeu18) with ESMTP (Nemesis),' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3075', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15447 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME XXX TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply ' id 0MKxMK-1GexvP0H6S-0002ap for; Tue, 31 Oct 2006 19:01:23 +0100' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3076', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15448 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply 'Message-ID: <56721972955328.68C38DEE2B@3WOJ5>' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3077', aborting with mailbox intact EVENT # 15449 EVENT LOG Application EVENT TYPE Error SOURCE PullMail EVENT ID 267 COMPUTERNAME xxx TIME 03.03.2007 14:14:10 MESSAGE Invalid reply 'From: "Jeannie" <>' from pop server in response to 'RETR 3078', aborting with mailbox intact Habe herausgefunden, dass es wohl mit pullmail und an falsch vormartierten E-Mails liegt. Wie kann ich das vermeiden, dass ich Fehlermeldungen bekomme und diese Mails trotzdem abgeholt werden. Oder was sollte ich tun? Fanman Zitieren
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