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WSUS 2.0 SP1 lädt keine Vista-Updates

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ich habe seit einiger Zeit ein Problem mit WSUS 2.0 SP1. Im Netzwerk gibt es einen Vista-Client der auch richtig von WSUS erkannt wird.


Die Updates für Vista werden auch angezeigt aber nicht heruntergeladen. Fehler: "Dateien für dieses Update konnten nicht gedownloadet werden."

Der Vista-Client aktualisiert seinen Status auch täglich mit WSUS findet aber natürlich keine Updates.


Alles Updates für XP funktionieren normal nur mit Vista-Updates gibt es diese Probleme. Hat jemand auch diese Probleme oder gibt es vielleicht schon eine Lösung dafür?





Okay, ich splitte dann mal:


Vista-Client-Log Teil1:

2007-06-21	08:09:19:746	1196	1554	Misc	===========  Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0200)  ===========
2007-06-21	08:09:19:746	1196	1554	Misc	  = Process: C:\Windows\system32\svchost.exe
2007-06-21	08:09:19:746	1196	1554	Misc	  = Module: c:\windows\system32\wuaueng.dll
2007-06-21	08:09:19:746	1196	1554	Service	*************
2007-06-21	08:09:19:746	1196	1554	Service	** START **  Service: Service startup
2007-06-21	08:09:19:746	1196	1554	Service	*********
2007-06-21	08:09:19:871	1196	1554	Agent	  * WU client version 7.0.6000.374
2007-06-21	08:09:19:871	1196	1554	Agent	  * Base directory: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
2007-06-21	08:09:19:871	1196	1554	Agent	  * Access type: No proxy
2007-06-21	08:09:19:871	1196	1554	Agent	  * Network state: Connected
2007-06-21	08:09:20:074	1196	570	Agent	***********  Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent  ***********
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	570	Agent	***********  Agent: Initializing global settings cache  ***********
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	1554	Report	***********  Report: Initializing static reporting data  ***********
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	1554	Report	  * OS Version = 6.0.6000.0.0.65792
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	1554	Report	  * OS Product Type = 0x00000006
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	570	Agent	  * WSUS server: http://ask002
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	570	Agent	  * WSUS status server: http://ask002
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	570	Agent	  * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)
2007-06-21	08:09:20:089	1196	570	Agent	  * Windows Update access disabled: No
2007-06-21	08:09:20:136	1196	1554	Report	  * Computer Brand = Dell Inc.
2007-06-21	08:09:20:136	1196	1554	Report	  * Computer Model = MM061                           
2007-06-21	08:09:20:136	1196	1554	Report	  * Bios Revision = A14
2007-06-21	08:09:20:136	1196	1554	Report	  * Bios Name = Phoenix ROM BIOS PLUS Version 1.10 A14
2007-06-21	08:09:20:136	1196	1554	Report	  * Bios Release Date = 2007-04-02T00:00:00
2007-06-21	08:09:20:136	1196	1554	Report	  * Locale ID = 1031
2007-06-21	08:09:20:510	1196	570	DnldMgr	Download manager restoring 0 downloads
2007-06-21	08:09:20:542	1196	570	AU	###########  AU: Initializing Automatic Updates  ###########
2007-06-21	08:09:20:588	1196	570	AU	  # WSUS server: http://ask002
2007-06-21	08:09:20:588	1196	570	AU	  # Detection frequency: 22
2007-06-21	08:09:20:588	1196	570	AU	  # Approval type: Scheduled (Policy)
2007-06-21	08:09:20:588	1196	570	AU	  # Scheduled install day/time: Every day at 9:00
2007-06-21	08:09:20:588	1196	570	AU	  # Auto-install minor updates: Yes (User preference)
2007-06-21	08:09:20:604	1196	570	AU	Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-06-21 07:00:00
2007-06-21	08:09:20:620	1196	570	AU	AU finished delayed initialization


Teil 2:


007-06-21	08:09:20:620	1196	1554	AU	#############
2007-06-21	08:09:20:620	1196	1554	AU	## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2007-06-21	08:09:20:620	1196	1554	AU	#########
2007-06-21	08:09:20:635	1196	1554	AU	<<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {151D77C9-308A-4BF6-8BDA-0F59222F0A2E}]
2007-06-21	08:09:20:760	1196	1574	Agent	*************
2007-06-21	08:09:20:760	1196	1574	Agent	** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-06-21	08:09:20:760	1196	1574	Agent	*********
2007-06-21	08:09:20:760	1196	1574	Agent	  * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No
2007-06-21	08:09:20:760	1196	1574	Agent	  * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2007-06-21	08:09:20:760	1196	1574	Agent	  * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-06-21	08:09:27:158	1196	570	AU	Triggering AU detection through DetectNow API
2007-06-21	08:09:27:158	1196	570	AU	Will do the detection after current detection completes
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	1574	Agent	  * Found 0 updates and 14 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 219 out of 283 deployed entities
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	1574	Agent	*********
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	1574	Agent	**  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	1574	Agent	*************
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	1574	Report	REPORT EVENT: {377D7E7E-5860-4CAF-BF79-94970CF3CD22}	2007-06-21 08:09:20:604+0200	1	202	102	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	0	AutomaticUpdates	Success	Content Install	Reboot completed.
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	16d8	AU	>>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {151D77C9-308A-4BF6-8BDA-0F59222F0A2E}]
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	16d8	AU	  # 0 updates detected
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	16d8	AU	#########
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	16d8	AU	##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {151D77C9-308A-4BF6-8BDA-0F59222F0A2E}]
2007-06-21	08:09:40:531	1196	16d8	AU	#############
2007-06-21	08:09:40:546	1196	16d8	AU	Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-06-21 07:00:00
2007-06-21	08:09:40:578	1196	1554	AU	#############
2007-06-21	08:09:40:578	1196	1554	AU	## START ##  AU: Search for updates
2007-06-21	08:09:40:578	1196	1554	AU	#########


Teil 3:


2007-06-21	08:09:40:578	1196	1554	AU	<<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {158A1413-5B11-4F9B-A734-67E51D2B8C03}]
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Agent	*************
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Agent	** START **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Agent	*********
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Agent	  * Online = Yes; Ignore download priority = No
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Agent	  * Criteria = "IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' or IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' or IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and RebootRequired=1 or IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and RebootRequired=1"
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Agent	  * ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Setup	Checking for agent SelfUpdate
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Setup	Client version: Core: 7.0.6000.374  Aux: 7.0.6000.374
2007-06-21	08:09:40:609	1196	1574	Misc	Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab:
2007-06-21	08:09:40:702	1196	1574	Misc	 Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-06-21	08:09:40:718	1196	1574	Misc	Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wuident.cab:
2007-06-21	08:09:40:734	1196	1574	Misc	 Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-06-21	08:09:40:749	1196	1574	Misc	Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wsus3setup.cab:
2007-06-21	08:09:40:796	1196	1574	Misc	 Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-06-21	08:09:40:827	1196	1574	Misc	Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\wsus3setup.cab:
2007-06-21	08:09:40:843	1196	1574	Misc	 Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-06-21	08:09:40:936	1196	1574	Setup	Determining whether a new setup handler needs to be downloaded
2007-06-21	08:09:41:014	1196	1574	Misc	Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\SelfUpdate\Handler\WuSetupV.exe:
2007-06-21	08:09:41:030	1196	1574	Misc	 Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-06-21	08:09:41:030	1196	1574	Setup	SelfUpdate handler update NOT required: Current version: 7.0.6000.374, required version: 7.0.6000.374
2007-06-21	08:09:41:030	1196	1574	Setup	Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374"
2007-06-21	08:09:41:155	1196	1574	Setup	Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-ActiveX~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374" is already installed.
2007-06-21	08:09:41:155	1196	1574	Setup	Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374"
2007-06-21	08:09:42:856	1196	1574	Setup	Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Aux-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374" is already installed.
2007-06-21	08:09:42:856	1196	1574	Setup	Evaluating applicability of setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374"
2007-06-21	08:09:44:385	1196	1574	Setup	Setup package "WUClient-SelfUpdate-Core-TopLevel~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~7.0.6000.374" is already installed.
2007-06-21	08:09:44:401	1196	1574	Setup	SelfUpdate check completed.  SelfUpdate is NOT required.
2007-06-21	08:09:46:258	1196	1574	PT	+++++++++++  PT: Synchronizing server updates  +++++++++++


Teil 4:


2007-06-21	08:09:46:258	1196	1574	PT	  + ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://ask002/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2007-06-21	08:09:46:320	1196	1574	PT	WARNING: Cached cookie has expired or new PID is available
2007-06-21	08:09:46:320	1196	1574	PT	Initializing simple targeting cookie, clientId = 88247bb1-846a-4d5e-b393-ee68dfc0cabd, target group = , DNS name = asknb02.ask01.kinderdorf-hessen.de
2007-06-21	08:09:46:320	1196	1574	PT	  Server URL = http://ask002/SimpleAuthWebService/SimpleAuth.asmx
2007-06-21	08:09:52:031	1196	1574	Agent	  * Found 0 updates and 14 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 219 out of 283 deployed entities
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	1574	Agent	*********
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	1574	Agent	**  END  **  Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	1574	Agent	*************
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	>>##  RESUMED  ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {158A1413-5B11-4F9B-A734-67E51D2B8C03}]
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	  # 0 updates detected
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	#########
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	##  END  ##  AU: Search for updates [CallId = {158A1413-5B11-4F9B-A734-67E51D2B8C03}]
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	#############
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	AU setting next detection timeout to 2007-06-22 00:27:01
2007-06-21	08:09:52:047	1196	16d8	AU	Setting AU scheduled install time to 2007-06-21 07:00:00
2007-06-21	08:09:57:040	1196	1574	Report	REPORT EVENT: {1C724DCA-3D44-4B16-B0B1-7F808A72A832}	2007-06-21 08:09:52:031+0200	1	147	101	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	0	AutomaticUpdates	Success	Software Synchronization	Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates.
2007-06-21	08:09:57:040	1196	1574	Report	REPORT EVENT: {2C05AF48-27F9-4F2C-8E98-02A56019007F}	2007-06-21 08:09:52:047+0200	1	153	101	{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}	0	0	AutomaticUpdates	Success	Pre-Deployment Check	Reporting client status.




Sorry für das Durcheinander. Hab ich gar nicht dran gedacht.


@ Der Schwabe


Also hier noch mal die Logs von Vista und Server als Anhang. Die Ausgabe von ClientDiag ist ebenfalls dabei.


Die GPO-Einstellungen:

Interner Server: http://ask002

Automatische Updates: Installationszeitplan tgl. 9:00 Uhr


Wenn ich noch was vergessen hab' oder ihr noch was wissen wollt, immer los. ;)




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