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IPSec over PPTP

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Während der Vorbereitung für die 70-291 ist mir etwas aufgefallen; der Microsoft RAS Server 2003 bietet standardmäsig keine Verschachtelung der PPTP-Protokollen ( TCP-Port 1723 und GRE-TCP-Protokoll 47) in einer IPSec-Schale. Angeboten wird nur die Verschachtelung der L2TP-Protokollen. Aber mit ein bischen Mühe, es geht. Eine IPSec-Richtlinie mit 2 Filter, jewals für UDP 1723 und GRE, die über GPO oder lokal auf dem Server erstellt wird. Die Richtlinie Client (nur Antwort) auf dem VPN-Client aktivieren und das ist alles. Beispiel für Kapselung des GRE:


ETHERNET: EType = Internet IP (IPv4)

ETHERNET: Destination address = 000103C72C30

ETHERNET: 0....... = Individual address

ETHERNET: .0...... = Universally administered address

ETHERNET: Source address = 0004761F12CC

ETHERNET: .0...... = Universally administered address

ETHERNET: Ethernet Type : 0x0800 (Internet IP (IPv4))

IP: Protocol = AH - Authentication Header for IP Security Protocol; Packet ID = 29833; Total IP Length = 104; Options = No Options

IP: Version = IPv4; Header Length = 20

IP: 0100.... = IP Version 4

IP: ....0101 = Header Length 20

IP: Type of Service = Normal Service

IP: 000..... = Precedence - Routine

IP: ...0.... = Normal Delay

IP: ....0... = Normal Throughput

IP: .....0.. = Normal Reliability

IP: ......0. = Normal Monetary Cost

IP: Total Length = 104 (0x68)

IP: Identification = 29833 (0x7489)

IP: Fragmentation Summary = 0 (0x0)

IP: .0.............. = May fragment datagram if necessary

IP: ..0............. = Last fragment in datagram

IP: ...0000000000000 = Fragment Offset 0 (0x0000)

IP: Time to Live = 128 (0x80)

IP: Protocol = AH - Authentication Header for IP Security Protocol

IP: Checksum = 31827 (0x7C53)

IP: Source Address =

IP: Destination Address =

AH: Protocol = ESP, SPI = 0x870B1B86, Seq = 0xE

AH: Next Header = ESP - Encap Security Payload for IP Security Protocol

AH: Payload Length = 6 (0x6)

AH: Reserved = 0 (0x0)

AH: Security Parameters Index = 2265652102 (0x870B1B86)

AH: Sequence Number = 14 (0xE)

AH: Authentication Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 12 (0x000C)

ESP: SPI = 0xB433EEF9, Seq = 0xE

ESP: Security Parameters Index = 3023302393 (0xB433EEF9)

ESP: Sequence Number = 14 (0xE)

ESP: Padding: Number of data bytes remaining = 4 (0x0004)

ESP: Pad Length = 4 (0x4)

ESP: Next Header = GRE - General Routing Encapsulation

ESP: Authentication Data: Number of data bytes remaining = 12 (0x000C)

GRE: ..KS....A....... Length: 18, Call ID: 17082

GRE: Flags Summary = 12417 (0x3081)

GRE: 0............... = Checksum Absent

GRE: .0.............. = Routing Absent

GRE: ..1............. = Key Present

GRE: ...1............ = Sequence Number Present

GRE: ....0........... = Strict Source Route Absent

GRE: ........1....... = Acknowledge Sequence Number Present

GRE: Recursion Control = 0 (0x0)

GRE: Ver = 1 (0x1)

GRE: Protocol Type = 0x880B

GRE: Key Length = 18 (0x12)

GRE: Key Call ID = 17082 (0x42BA)

GRE: Sequence Number = 12 (0xC)

GRE: Ack Number = 12 (0xC)

PPP: Internet Protocol Control Protocol Frame (0x8021)

PPP: Protocol = Internet Protocol Control Protocol

IPCP: Configuration Acknowledgement, Ident = 0x06

IPCP: Code = Configuration Acknowledgement

IPCP: Identifier = 6 (0x6)

IPCP: Length = 16 (0x10)

IPCP: Option: Address =

IPCP: Option Type = Address

IPCP: Option Length = 6 (0x6)

IPCP: Source Address =

IPCP: Option: Primary DNS Server Address =

IPCP: Option Type = Primary DNS Server Address

IPCP: Option Length = 6 (0x6)

IPCP: Primary DNS Server Address =

Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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