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Vista Pre-SP1 Update: Performance and Reliability Update for Windows Vista

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Seit heute stehen zwei neue Updates für Windows Vista zur Verfügung. Die Updates sollen die Zuverlässigkeit, Geschwindigkeit u. Kompatibilität verbessern.


An update is available that improves the compatibility and reliability of Windows Vista

  • The screen may go blank when you try to upgrade the video driver. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    932539 (The screen may go blank when you try to upgrade the video driver on a Windows Vista-based computer) The screen may go blank when you try to upgrade the video driver on a Windows Vista-based computer
  • The computer stops responding, and you receive a "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" error message. You can restart the computer only by pressing the computer's power button.
  • The computer stops responding or restarts unexpectedly when you play video games or perform desktop operations.
  • The Diagnostic Policy Service (DPS) stops responding when the computer is under heavy load or when very little memory is available. This problem prevents diagnostics from working.
  • The screen goes blank after an external display device that is connected to the computer is turned off. For example, this problem may occur when a projector is turned off during a presentation.
  • A computer that has NVIDIA G80 series graphic drivers installed stops responding.
  • Visual appearance issues occur when you play graphics-intensive games.
  • You experience poor playback quality when you play HD DVD disks or Blu-ray disks on a large monitor.
  • Applications that load the Netcfgx.dll component exit unexpectedly.
  • Windows Calendar exits unexpectedly after you create a new appointment, create a new task, and then restart the computer.
  • Internet Connection Sharing stops responding after you upgrade a computer that is running Microsoft Windows XP to Windows Vista and then restart the computer.
  • The Printer Spooler service stops unexpectedly.
  • You receive a "Stop 0x0000009F" error when you put the computer to sleep while a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection is active. For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    931671 (Error message when you put a Windows Vista-based computer to sleep while a PPP connection is active: "STOP 0x0000009F") Error message when you put a Windows Vista-based computer to sleep while a PPP connection is active: "STOP 0x0000009F"


An update is available that improves the performance and reliability of Windows Vista


By applying this update, you can achieve better performance and responsiveness in various scenarios. This update also improves the reliability of Windows Vista.


This update resolves the following issues on a Windows Vista-based computer:

  • You experience a long delay when you try to exit the Photos screen saver.
  • A memory leak occurs when you use the Windows Energy screen saver.
  • If User Account Control is disabled on the computer, you cannot install a network printer successfully. This problem occurs if the network printer is hosted by a Windows XP-based or a Windows Server 2003-based computer.
  • When you write data to an AVI file by using the AVIStreamWrite function, the file header of the AVI file is corrupted.
  • When you copy or move a large file, the "estimated time remaining" takes a long time to be calculated and displayed.
  • After you resume the computer from hibernation, it takes a long time to display the logon screen.
  • When you synchronize an offline file to a server, the offline file is corrupted.
  • If you edit an image file that uses the RAW image format, data loss occurs in the image file. This problem occurs if the RAW image is from any of the following digital SLR camera models: • Canon EOS 1D, • Canon EOS 1DS
    For more information, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    932988 (Files from a Canon EOD 1D or 1DS camera may be corrupted after you use Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Photo Gallery, or Windows Explorer to edit the file metadata in Windows Vista or in Windows XP SP2) Files from a Canon EOD 1D or 1DS camera may be corrupted after you use Windows Photo Gallery, Windows Live Photo Gallery, or Windows Explorer to edit the file metadata in Windows Vista or in Windows XP Service Pack 2
  • After you resume the computer from hibernation, the computer loses its default gateway address.
  • Poor memory management performance occurs.


PS: Da ich im Longhorn Beta Programm bin, hab ich die beiden Patches schon seit einige Tage früher erhalten u. konnte bisher auf meiner eigenen Vista Maschine keine Probleme nach dem Update feststellen.


Performance-Verbesserungen hab sich auf meiner Vista Ultimate Maschine subjektiv auch nicht gezeigt, war aber zu erwarten, da meine Maschine auch vorher einwandfrei lief.


LG Gadget


die datenübertragung ist meines erachtens nicht doppelt so schnell - die vor- und nachbereitung des datentransfers wurde aber beschleunigt. macht dann summe summarum eine kürzere übertragungszeit und kann leicht mit schnellerer datenübertragung verstanden werden.

  • 3 Wochen später...

bei uns gibt es seit gestern den "zuviel gesoffen Effekt".

Die Benutzer beim Anmeldebildschirm tauchen doppelt auf, statt zwei sind es jetzt vier. Sehr interessantes Phänomen. Das verursachende Update scheint laut google KB938979 zu sein. Scheinbar kann es dadurch auch zu Problemen mit Fingerabdruckssensoren kommen...


Updates werden automatisch geholt.


Wunderbar :suspect: ;)

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