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Einige Updates können nicht installiert werden!

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Aber trotzdem das selbe Ergebnis die Updates konnten nicht installiert werden, obwohl ich sie direkt von der Microsoft Website herunter geladen habe.

Das waren dieses mal diese da:

Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 6 unter Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB937143)

Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB938127)

Sicherheitsupdate für Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 und Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 Service Pack 1 (KB933579)

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Ja Virenscanner ist installiert NOD32, aber, ob ich den restlos entfernen kann weiß ich nicht.

Hier das WindowsUpdate.log

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0200) ===========

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Misc = Process: D:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Misc = Module: D:\WINDOWS\system32\wuaueng.dll

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Service *************

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Service ** START ** Service: Service startup

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Service *********

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Agent * WU client version 7.0.6000.374

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Agent * Base directory: D:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Agent * Access type: No proxy

2007-08-20 13:13:03:234 772 464 Agent * Network state: Connected

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing Windows Update Agent ***********

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 Agent *********** Agent: Initializing global settings cache ***********

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 Agent * WSUS server: <NULL>

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 Agent * WSUS status server: <NULL>

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 Agent * Target group: (Unassigned Computers)

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 Agent * Windows Update access disabled: No

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 DnldMgr Download manager restoring 0 downloads

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 AU ########### AU: Initializing Automatic Updates ###########

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 AU # Approval type: Pre-install notify (User preference)

2007-08-20 13:13:49:109 772 464 AU # Auto-install minor updates: No (User preference)

2007-08-20 13:13:49:562 772 464 Report *********** Report: Initializing static reporting data ***********

2007-08-20 13:13:49:562 772 464 Report * OS Version = 5.2.3790.2.0.131346

2007-08-20 13:13:49:609 772 464 Report * Computer Brand = HP-Pavilion

2007-08-20 13:13:49:609 772 464 Report * Computer Model = RR811AA-ACP t3740.at

2007-08-20 13:13:49:609 772 464 Report * Bios Revision = 5.04

2007-08-20 13:13:49:609 772 464 Report * Bios Name = Default System BIOS

2007-08-20 13:13:49:625 772 464 Report * Bios Release Date = 2006-12-15T00:00:00

2007-08-20 13:13:49:625 772 464 Report * Locale ID = 3079

2007-08-20 13:13:49:687 772 464 AU AU setting pending client directive to 'Install Approval'

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 464 AU AU finished delayed initialization

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 464 AU #############

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 464 AU ## START ## AU: Search for updates

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 464 AU #########

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 464 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {9E44F10D-9E49-4F54-A680-0CDB81109EBC}]

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 59c Agent *************

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 59c Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 59c Agent *********

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 59c Agent * Online = No; Ignore download priority = No

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 59c Agent * Criteria = "IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsPresent=1 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=1 and DeploymentAction='Installation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1 or IsHidden=0 and IsInstalled=0 and DeploymentAction='Uninstallation' and IsAssigned=1 and RebootRequired=1"

2007-08-20 13:13:49:734 772 59c Agent * ServiceID = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}

2007-08-20 13:13:50:593 772 59c EEHndlr WARNING: Failed to populate ServiceStartup entries in Cache: error 0x80070002

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Weiter geht es.


2007-08-20 13:13:53:015 772 59c Agent *************

2007-08-20 13:13:53:031 772 e8c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {9E44F10D-9E49-4F54-A680-0CDB81109EBC}]

2007-08-20 13:13:53:031 772 e8c AU # 3 updates detected

2007-08-20 13:13:53:156 772 e8c AU #########

2007-08-20 13:13:53:156 772 e8c AU ## END ## AU: Search for updates [CallId = {9E44F10D-9E49-4F54-A680-0CDB81109EBC}]

2007-08-20 13:13:53:156 772 e8c AU #############

2007-08-20 13:13:54:687 772 59c Report REPORT EVENT: {615925BE-55EB-4FE9-B16A-CC49BC691E00} 2007-08-20 13:13:49:171+0200 1 202 102 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 AutomaticUpdates Success Content Install Reboot completed.

2007-08-20 13:14:04:703 772 464 AU Launched new AU client for directive 'Install Approval', session id = 0x0

2007-08-20 13:14:04:718 4492 650 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0200) ===========

2007-08-20 13:14:04:718 4492 650 Misc = Process: D:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe

2007-08-20 13:14:04:718 4492 650 AUClnt Launched Client UI process

2007-08-20 13:14:04:875 4492 650 Misc =========== Logging initialized (build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: +0200) ===========

2007-08-20 13:14:04:875 4492 650 Misc = Process: D:\WINDOWS\system32\wuauclt.exe

2007-08-20 13:14:04:875 4492 650 Misc = Module: D:\WINDOWS\system32\wucltui.dll

2007-08-20 13:14:04:875 4492 650 CltUI AU client got new directive = 'Install Approval', serviceId = {9482F4B4-E343-43B6-B170-9A65BC822C77}, return = 0x00000000

2007-08-20 13:14:04:875 4492 650 CltUI AU client creating default WU/WSUS UI plugin

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU AU received install approval from client for 3 updates

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU #############

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU ## START ## AU: Install updates

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU #########

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU # Initiating manual install

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU # Approved updates = 3

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 d68 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Install updates / installing updates [CallId = {655767A9-C2FE-42FB-9CDB-D060DF33DEB6}]

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 1f0 Agent *************

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 1f0 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 1f0 Agent *********

2007-08-20 13:14:28:015 772 1f0 Agent * Updates to install = 3

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB938127)

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * UpdateId = {C0ADE434-7CF0-4EFB-A8B7-C8DC5B234F71}.103

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * {D3CFBD15-708F-4AA7-823A-06C95B6618BF}.103

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * Title = Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 6 unter Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition (KB937143)

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * UpdateId = {C1C66885-E4B6-4448-8F91-524135FD908C}.103

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * {CDB4094B-29EB-4BE3-B695-F9B3A2F68E6B}.103

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * Title = Sicherheitsupdate für Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 und Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 Service Pack 1 (KB933579)

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * UpdateId = {FE06A193-D24F-4CB5-AEA8-5E70019EA76D}.106

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:

2007-08-20 13:14:28:078 772 1f0 Agent * {5D61C030-B111-47E9-BDF0-D5B05E62EE76}.106

2007-08-20 13:14:28:265 772 1f0 EEHndlr WARNING: Failed to populate ServiceStartup entries in Cache: error 0x80070002

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Das mit dem Update hat leider nicht geklappt, denn er meldete mir, daß das Update nicht für das Betriebssystem in der Sprache in der es geschrieben wurde entwickelt wurde, also ein englisches Update kann ich schlecht auf einen deutschen Server spielen.


Von welchem Update sprichst Du? Das von XP-Fan? Sprache beim Download hast Du abgeändert?

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