vikerl8 10 Geschrieben 19. August 2003 Melden Geschrieben 19. August 2003 Hallo alle Ich habe gerade auf so einen kurzen gratis test gemacht und mir sind da zwei Antworten nicht ganz koscher. Postet mal bitte eure Meinung: 1. Unklare Frage: You share a folder on your Windows 2000 Pro machine, where people in your workgroup can place documents. Your disk is running low on free space, so you want to set a quota for people from your workgroup. What should you do? a . Select the appropriate disk properties, select the quota tab and mark the option Enable Quota management b . This cannot be done c . Use System tools in computer management to set quotas on shared folders d . Create a mapping to the share and set the quota on the connected drive letter Meine Antwort: Your Answer(s): Select the appropriate disk properties, select the quota tab and mark the option Enable Quota management (Angeblich ?!?) richtige Antowrt: Answer(s): This cannot be done Explanation: You cannot assign quota entries to users in a workgroup. Zweite Frage: You have a preinstalled Windows 2000 Pro laptop with a 3.6 GB harddisk. You want to convert the disk to a Dynamic Disk but the Convert to Dynamic option is not available. Why?a . Dynamic Disks are not supported on mobile computers b . You need at least a 4GB harddisk to convert it to a Dynamic disk c . You do not have enough free disk space d . You are not logged on as an Administrator (Angeblich ?!?) Richtige antwort: Answer(s): Dynamic Disks are not supported on mobile computers Meine Antwort: Your Answer(s): You do not have enough free disk space Übrigens wo wir schon dabei sind: Auf habe ich auch eine Frage: 3(70210q527). The engineers who work in the Development department often have multiple program windows open simultaneously. Part of your job in the IT department has you travel around the company looking at how people work and determining if changes can be made to their computer systems to make their work more efficient. You think that by enabling multiple displays on the Engineers computers, they would be able to get more work done and get it done more efficiently. What requirements must be met in order to have multiple displays on a Windows 2000 Professional computer and from where are the displays configured? A: All monitors must be set at same resolution and color depth. B: Monitor display properties can be configured from the Display applet of the Control Panel C: Monitor display properties can be configured by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Properties. D: Video adapters to be used for multiple monitors must be either PCI or AGP. E: You will require one video adapter for each monitor to be used. F: All monitors will display the logon dialog box upon starting Windows. Your answer is: BCDE correct Answer is BCD B. Monitor display properties can be configured from the Display applet of the Control Panel C. Monitor display properties can be configured by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Properties. D. Video adapters to be used for multiple monitors must be either PCI or AGP. Explanation: Using multiple monitors is a fantastic feature of Windows 2000, and when properly implemented can really increase a users productivity. When starting Windows, only the monitor designated as the primary monitor will display the logon dialog box. Additionally, this monitor will display most windows when initially opened. You can move windows to other monitors as you wish after they have been opened. As each monitor has its own video adapter providing its input, each monitor can be configured independently of all others, including resolution and color depth settings. The only real limitations are those imposed by the video adapter and the monitor. Display properties can most easily be configured by right-clicking on the desktop, but can also be configured from the Control Panel. Each monitor to be used requires it own PCI or AGP video adapter. FRAGE: Gleicht der letzt Satz der Erklärung nicht irgendwie sehr stark der Antwort E???? Sorry das das ganze so lang ist. Ich lerne nach den grünen MS Press Büchern (MCSA Core Pack) und ich habe in allen drei Büchern keine Klarstellung gefunden. Besten Dank im vorraus Zitieren
grizzly999 11 Geschrieben 19. August 2003 Melden Geschrieben 19. August 2003 1) Wiespältige Frage, zwiespältige Antwort, und ich denke sie ist falsch. Die Musterantwort. Da ich in einer Arbeitsgruppe sowieso nur Zugriff auf andere Rechner habe, wenn ich mich als ein lokaler Benutzer des Rechners authetifiziert habe und dann als "dieser" lokale Benutzer auf dem Rechner arbeite gelten dafür auch die Quotas. 2) Musterlösung korrekt! Auf Laptops gibt es keine dyn. Festplatten. 3) B,C,D E nicht, gibt ja auch Karten mit mehreren Ausgängen grizzly999 Zitieren
vikerl8 10 Geschrieben 19. August 2003 Autor Melden Geschrieben 19. August 2003 Hallihallo Besten Dank für deine Antworten. Speziell: Dyn Disks auf Laptops. Habe 4 Bücher über W2K aber nirgends steht auch nur irgenwo diese Einschränkung. Nochmal besten Dank Vikerl Zitieren
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