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Dear CEO, Spam oder Domaingrabber?

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Hallo, habt ihr auch eine solche Mail bekommen? Ich gehe davon aus, dass es wieder Spam ist bzw. das ein Chinese seine Domainabsatzzahlen erhöhren möchte. Neulich kam schon mal so etwas in der Art per Mail, was meint ihr?


Dear CEO,


We are the domain name registration organization in China, which mainly deal with international company's in china. We have something important need to confirm with your company.On the Nov 18, 2007, we received an application formally. One company named "Ardagh International Holdings Ltd" wanted to register following

Domain names:








Internet brand keyword:


through our body.


After our initial examination, we found that the keywords and domain names applied for registration are as same as your company's name and trademark. These days we are dealing with it. If you do not know this company, we doubt that they have other aims to buy these domain names. Now we have not finished the registration of Ardagh company yet, in order to deal with this issue better, Please contact us by telephone or email as soon as possible.


Best Regards,

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