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Intel Controller Zerstort 3 Raptor Platten?

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Best practices for backing up Virtual Machines


-A virtual machine directory should not be backed up on the VMware Server host if the virtual machine is powered on. You should either suspend or shut down the virtual machine before backing up its directory. Use the vmware-cmdor vmrunto suspend the virtual machine from a pre backup script and use vmware-cmdor vmrunto restart the virtual machine from a post backup script.


-If the virtual machine is running when you try to back it up, the virtual machine can hang and be unreachable.


-The best way to back up virtual machines that require constant uptime (24 hours a day, seven days a week) is to load a backup agent ineach virtual machine. This agent should connect directly through yournetwork to your backup servers. This method allows you to completely back up individual files on your virtual machines and recover files individually.


-Before implementing a backup method, test and document the method in advance to ensure a successful backup



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