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Hi @all,


ich habe die Tage ein Tool gefunden, was ich euch nicht vorenthalten möchte.


Das Tool heißt mRemote und ist unter dem Link http://mremote.lostcharacters.net/wiki/MainPage.ashx

zu finden.


Hier die Features List:


mRemote is a multi-tab, multi-protocol remote connections mananger written in VB.NET and C# 2.0.



* Free and Open Source, released under the GPL

* Panels and tabs allow to group certain connections together, dock them to any side of the window or completely undock them and move them to another screen for example

* Multiple supported protocols (RDP, VNC, ICA, SSH, Telnet, RAW, Rlogin and HTTP/S)

* Easy to organize and maintain list of connections

* Inheritance makes it possible to store properties on folder basis and let the underlying connections inherit this info

* Support for importing connections from Active Directory

* Allows creating nested containers (folders) to categorize connections

* "Quick Connect" feature to quickly open a connection without creating an entry

* "Quick Search" feature to quickly find a connection while typing

* Support for SCP/SFTP (SSH) file transfers

* Assign icons to connections to easily identify purpose

* Screenshot manager allows to collect multiple screenshots and save them all together or copy them to the clipboard

* View remote session info and log off sessions (RDP)

* Portable (with the use of command line switches)

* "Auto-Update" feature

* Show description tooltips when hoovering over connections

* System tray icon with connection menu

* Fullscreen (Kiosk) mode

* Assign global credentials to use when no information is provided on connection basis

* Host Up/Down (Ping) feature shows if the selected host answers to a ping


Vielleicht kann es ja der ein oder andere gebrauchen.





Jup bei mir das selbe

18.01.2008 15:20:20
Opening connection failed
Could not load file or assembly 'MagicLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3a6eb82f876a49bc' or one of its dependencies. Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.


Weiß jemand eine Lösung?



Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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