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Frage updateprüfung 621

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Haben Forenmitglieder wo die 70-621 und die 70-620 abgelegt haben auch eine Email von Microsoft bekommen?

Habe folgende Email bekommen und ein Free Voucher.



We are writing to inform you of a policy change that affects your Microsoft Certification transcript. Our records indicate that you have taken both of the following Microsoft Certification exams.


* Exam 70-620: TS: Windows Vista, Configuring

* Exam 70-621: Pro: Upgrading Your MCDST Certification to MCITP Enterprise Support




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In response to customer feedback, Microsoft Learning has made a policy change allowing a Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST) to use Exam 70-621 as credit toward any certifications that list Exam 70-620 as a required or elective exam. In other words, Exam 70-621 satisfies the Exam 70-620 requirement in all cases.


This change is retroactive to the exam release date and will be reflected in your transcript in January 2008.




We recognize that you may not have chosen to take both exams (70-620 and 70-621) had you been aware of this policy earlier. We know there is significant time, effort, and resources required to prepare and sit for a Microsoft Certification exam, so please accept this exam voucher from us in recognition of any inconvenience we may have caused.


Your voucher, #000000000 is valid:


* for any IT professional, developer, or Microsoft Dynamics Certification exam

* at Prometric test centers worldwide

* for exams taken through April 30, 2008.



Denn wenn man zum Enterprise-server 2008 updaten will braucht man laut Microsoft 70-649+70-647-70-620/70-624 da steht nichts von 70-621.

Weiss jemand von Euch mehr darüber?Ich habe zwar die 620 aber trotzdem würde mich es interessieren ob auch statt die 620 auch die 621 gilt.

Das mit dem Voucher trifft sich gut vielleicht mache ich demnächts die 70-647.





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