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Langsamer Zugriff auf Datei im Neztwerk unter Windows XP

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In Windows XP and later, the Windows file redirector has a built-in

WebDAV client.


Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Office XP adn 2003 have built-in

WebDAV redirectors, working independent from the WebClient service.




Windows XP WebDAV Redirector

Windows XP includes a new component - the WebDAV redirector, which

allows applications on Windows XP to connect to the Internet,

and to natively read and write data on the Internet. The WebDAV

protocol is an extension to

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) that allows data to be written to

HTTP targets such as the Microsoft MSN? Web Communities.

The WebDAV redirector provides file system-level access to these

servers in the same that the existing redirector provides access to SMB/CIFS



One way to access a WebDAV share is to use the net use command, for


NET USE * http://webserver/davscratch'>http://webserver/davscratch


To connect to an MSN Community, use

http://www.msnusers.com/yourcommunityname/files/ as the target.

The credentials you need in this case are your Passport credentials;

enter these details in the Connect Using Different User Name dialog if

you are using mapped network drive,

or use the /u: switch with the net use command. For example:

NET USE http://www.msnusers.com/fooname/files




WinXP: The WebClient service is used if you connect a WebFolders

without specifying a port, i.e.



A network trace will show in the HTTP header:

HTTP: User-Agent = Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir/5.1.2600


Office: However when using the syntax including a port number, you are

connecting via Office' WebDAV



A network trace will show:

HTTP: User-Agent = Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider



Note: this may or may not show as "HTTP" traffic in netmon because the

proxy port can vary.



The following list shows some of the known interoperability issues with



- On Windows 2003 Server, the WebDAV client is not enabled by default

for security reasons. You need to enable the WebClient service.


- Using Microsoft Office 2000 to connect to a Windows WebDAV share is

only supported if Office 2000 is running on Windows 2000 or earlier operating



Using Office 2000 running on Windows XP operating system to connect to

a Windows WebDAV share is not supported.


- When using Microsoft Office on Windows XP, use Office's WebDAV

redirector rather than the Windows XP file redirector.

In general, when using Microsoft Office products it is best to use

files represented by their HTTP names instead of their UNC paths.

For example, use http://<Device Name>/<Virtual Root>/<File Name>

instead of \\<Device Name>\<Virtual Root>\<File Name>.




- Disabling the WebClient has no effect on Internet WWW Browsing, it is

only used for Web Distributed

Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) connections.






When the Universal Naming Conventions (UNC) file name is used, the

redirector will use SMB, WebDAV, or a combination of the two depending on what is

available on the server.


When an application attempts to open a file that exists on a network,

the I/O Manager passes the request

to a system component called the Multiple UNC Provider (MUP) which sits

logically above all the redirectors.

When a network path is passed to MUP, it polls all the registered

redirectors to determine if they understand

the path. The redirectors in turn contact the server to establish if

the path is valid for the specific protocol.

If the server can satisfy the connection then the redirector will

return success back the MUP.

If not, then the redirector returns a failure. All the future File I/O

requests for this file are passed to the

redirector that accepted the path. If more than one redirector accepts

the path, MUP picks the one

with the highest priority (as defined in the registry).


171386 Connectivity Delay with Multiple Redirectors Installed





URLScan blocks WebDAV requests by default

Before you install URLScan 2.5, see the white paper on the following

Microsoft Web site:




Registry Settings:





Value: Default 60 (Decimal)

No Max and No Min


To change the WebDAV timeout:

The timeout represents the number of seconds WebDAV will wait for

WinInet after issuing a request (e.g. Get file, put file).

The timeout is stored in the following registry key:



Value: Default 600 (decimal) seconds = 10 minutes





171386.KB.EN-US Connectivity Delay with Multiple Redirectors



312181.KB.EN-US Long Delays When You Open Resources on a DFS Share

Windows SP1

317506.KB.EN-US You May Not Be Able to Log On to the Domain with VPN If

a Winsock Proxy

810401.KB.EN-US "Local Device Name Is Already in Use" Error Message

After You Interrupt preSP2

830561.KB.EN-US WD2002: Documents Take a Long Time to Open When They

Have Attached

823372.KB.EN-US Your Word Documents Take a Long Time to Open When They

Have Attached preSP2

16-Jul-2003 21:59 5.1.2600.1248 62,976 Webclnt.dll X86


817929.KB.EN-US Files Do Not Appear When You Use WebDAV to Add a

Network Place Shortcut

812924.KB.EN-US Access to Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 Share May Stop

Responding IE6

829909.KB.EN-US I: KB ARTICLE IDEA: Delay when accessing network

resources with Windows

826286 New User Cannot Access the Internet and Proxy Settings Are Blank


03-Mar-2003 12:58 5.1.2600.1178 61,952 Webclnt.dll


320507.KB.EN-US Internet Explorer Does Not Retry Bad Proxy Server for

30 Minutes

271361.KB.EN-US How to Disable Internet Explorer Automatic Proxy



819961 How to Configure Client Proxy Server Settings by Using a

Registry File


262981 Internet Explorer Uses Proxy Server for Local IP Address Even if



209252 Maximum Number of Characters That Can Be Specified in the




External Web Links






Internet Explorer Administration Kit 6 Service Pack 1




fertich :-))) !!!

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