MYOEY 10 Geschrieben 4. August 2008 Melden Geschrieben 4. August 2008 Hallo, ein Cisco Catalyst 6509 Version 12.2(33)SXH2a ist mit den folgenden Linecard bestückt: -WS-X6704-10GE -WS-X6748-SFP -WS-X6748-GE-TX In unregelmässigen Abständen resetet der Switch die beiden ersten Module und spuckt die folgende Fehlmeldung raus: Aug 4 08:45:58: %OIR-SP-3-PWRCYCLE: Card in module 1, is being power-cycled off (Reset - Module Reloaded During Downloa d) Aug 4 08:45:58: %C6KPWR-SP-4-DISABLED: power to module in slot 1 set off (Reset - Module Reloaded During Download) Aug 4 08:46:16: %OIR-SP-3-PWRCYCLE: Card in module 2, is being power-cycled off (Reset - Module Reloaded During Downloa d) Aug 4 08:46:15: %C6KPWR-SP-4-DISABLED: power to module in slot 2 set off (Reset - Module Reloaded During Download) 00:00:09: DaughterBoard (Centralized Forwarding Card) nach ca. 5-10 sind die Module online!! an Strom liegt es nicht da : C6509#sho power total system power total = 5771.64 Watts (137.42 Amps @ 42V) C6509#sho power available system power available = 3959.34 Watts (94.27 Amps @ 42V) Kann man was damit anfangen??? woran könnte es liegen? Gruß Zitieren
daking 10 Geschrieben 5. August 2008 Melden Geschrieben 5. August 2008 Hola, besteht das Problem erst seit dem update? was sagt sh fabric? was sagt remote command mod x sh ver was sagt sh diagnostic results mod x (kann sein das die syntax hier nicht passt) was sagt sh mod? habe da noch was im Hinterkopf mit der LC FW... mal sehen ciao Zitieren
Otaku19 33 Geschrieben 5. August 2008 Melden Geschrieben 5. August 2008 Outputinterpreter : Explanation:This message indicates that the module in the indicated slot was powered off for the indicated reason. [dec] is the slot number, and [chars] indicates the power status. In most cases this message appears at switch bootup/reload or at line card insertion and can be ignored. Recommended Action: Ensure that this message appeared during normal operation of the switch. If so, try: 1. Reseat and firmly fix up the module in the chassis. 2. Raise the diagnostic level to complete using the set diagnostic bootup level command. 3. Reset the line card and se the command show diagnostic module for the test results on module. This will confirm hardware sanity of the line card. 4. Monitor the switch operation. The recovery procedure depends on the reason indicated in the message such as not supported, module failed Zitieren
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