Squire 276 Geschrieben 22. August 2008 Melden Geschrieben 22. August 2008 Hallo Leute, die ASG 7.300 ist released und wird über up2date verteilt. Meno ist das Backend flott geworden! Mailmanager ist überarbeitet und richtig schön geworden ... ich schau mir jetzt dann mal den Rest an :D Zitieren
WSUSPraxis 48 Geschrieben 22. August 2008 Melden Geschrieben 22. August 2008 @Squire Gab es bis jetzt bei Dir Probleme ? Zitieren
Squire 276 Geschrieben 22. August 2008 Autor Melden Geschrieben 22. August 2008 nein bisher nicht sonst könnt ich jetzt nicht schreiben :D hier das change log: Up2Date 7.300 package description: Remarks: Logging DB and EMail Quarantine will be converted System will be rebooted after Up2Date Conversion will be continued after reboot with low priority (may run for some days for large amounts of logging data) News: Improved SMTP, POP3 and Email Encryption frontend and backend Improved Mail Manager and End-User Portal Improved performance for logging and reporting backend Improved backend group support for authentication Improved IM/P2P detection rate and memory usage Improved IPsec and L2TP subsystem and interoperability Added XAUTH support for IPSec Remote Access Added options for testing authentications servers Added optional smarthost for notifications Added options for configuring Reporting Added options to reboot/shutdown HA/Cluster nodes Fixed clam vulnerabilities CVE 2008-0314, 2008-1833, 2008-1835, 2008-1836, 2008-1837, 2008-1387, 2008-2713 Bugfixes: Fix [4533]: L2TP doesn't work with IP addresses assigned via DHCP Fix [5422]: Changing eDir SSL settings breaks eDir Browser for current session Fix [5703]: Enduser Portal shows as login source IP Fix [6892]: Astaro notification emails tagged as spam Fix [7005]: Middleware may mix up static DHCP mappings Fix [7034]: If cffd fails during spam digest creation no resume for digest is triggered Fix [7260]: System freezes on Vmware ESX Server V3 Fix [7472]: POP3 Proxy does not start with customized messages Fix [7983]: Daily Spam Report fails for some Recipients (case-sensitive issue) Fix [8073]: Blank password allowed for encrypted backups Fix [8147]: FTP file downloads stop at 2GB Fix [8200]: Unable to create exceptions for domains with single character Fix [8248]: ASC config file doesn't set IKE config mode correctly Fix [8254]: Using service 'Any' as traffic service breaks DNAT and SNAT rules Fix [8358]: High memory usage for IM/P2P detection Fix [8359]: Readable eDirectory passwords in debugging mode Fix [8365]: Slave stuck in 'UP2DATE' state in HA/Cluster environment Fix [8384]: Kernel reports 'Detected Tx Unit Hang' on e1000 hardware Fix [8414]: HTTP Proxy may expire cached objects even if expire time isn't reached Fix [8469]: Packetfilter log shows drops of local packets Fix [8503]: VLAN sometimes fails on bonding device Fix [8635]: Deactivating SIP support does not work correctly Zitieren
Ald-Edv 10 Geschrieben 29. September 2008 Melden Geschrieben 29. September 2008 gibts jetzt wenigstens wieder ein Accounting? Zitieren
Squire 276 Geschrieben 29. September 2008 Autor Melden Geschrieben 29. September 2008 was meinst Du mit Accounting? Zitieren
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