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Backup einzelner Mail/Postfächer für den Exchange 2007

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wie man es nimmt... in diesem Fall sagt Symantec in oben angeführtem Link:

This is seen when trying to select for backup of CCR Clustered Exchange 2007 on a Windows Server x64 2008 Failover Cluster. This will happen when either the Virtual Exchange Name is selected or the node name that is currently in control of the Clustered Exchange Resource. Any node that is not in control of the Clustered Exchange Resource can be selected and expanded.


To protect this Exchange Data the stores needs to be taken offline and use the built in Windows Server Backup Utility to back up to a share on the media server so it can be protected by Backup Exec.


Symantec Corporation has acknowledged that the above-mentioned issue is present in the current version(s) of the product(s) mentioned at the end of this article. Symantec Corporation is committed to product quality and satisfied customers.

This issue is currently under investigation by Symantec Corporation.


Laut Artikel hat Symantec in diesem Fall (W2K8 x64, EX2K7, CCR, BE12) Probleme den virtuellen Namen des Clusters an sich anzusprechen und beremote crashed.


Zu Backup Software im Allgemeinen (Filter Treiber, Open File Agents etc.) auf einem Cluster:

Cluadmin.de: Filtertreiber im Cluster

Ob das hier relevant ist, habe ich nicht im Detail quergeprüft, aber: Ja, es gibt Besonderheiten im Cluster. Idealerweise (Soll) sind Applikationen, die Cluster ansprechen, Cluster-Aware.

Bei manchen Applikationen auf einem Cluster (AntiVirus) ist es sogar ein Muss.

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