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Der Hintergrundthread FDoUpdateCatalog

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hab Exchange 2003 auf einem DC in einer VM laufen. Jetzt krieg ich vom Ex folgende Fehlermeldungen im 10 MinutenTakt:


Der Hintergrundthread 'FDoUpdateCatalog' wurde für Datenbank "Erste Speichergruppe\Postfachspeicher (DC)" aufgrund des Fehlercodes 0x80004005 beendet.


Ereigniss 7200


Hab schon unter eventid.net gekuckt,aber das brachte mich nicht wirklich weiter


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Event ID: 7200

Source MSExchangeIS Mailbox Store

Type Error

Description Background thread FDoUpdateCatalog halted on database "First Storage Group\Private Information Store (SATURN)" due to error code <error code>.

English please! Request a translation of the event description in plain English! An example of "English please" is available here.

Things to understand What is the role of the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service?

Comments Mihai Andrei (Last update 8/15/2005):

- Error code: 0x3ed - See M288648.


Ionut Marin (Last update 11/15/2004):

Error: 0x80004005 - See M816202 and the link to Error code 0x80004005.


As per Microsoft: "MSExchangeIS Event ID 7200 is a generic event that identifies a thread running in the background that is halted due to an unexpected error. The thread name identified can vary, as can the error code. Even for the same thread name and error code, the cause can vary". See MSEX2K3DB for more information on this event.


Anonymous (Last update 3/16/2004):

- Error code: 0x80004005 - As per Microsoft: "This problem may occur when Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition is installed on the Exchange 2000 computer and it is configured to scan the Exchange directory structure. Symantec does not recommend this configuration". See M301234 for more details.


Adrian Grigorof

As per Microsoft: "This issue can occur if Exchange 2000 reads this interval time and the service is not running; Exchange 2000 logs the error because Exchange 2000 determines that the service should be on.". See M293370 for more details.

Links M288648, M293370, M301234, M816202, Error code 0x80004005, MSEX2K3DB

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