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Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service

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Platform: Omni 3.x

OS: Windows 2003/SP2



McAfee: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise v8.5i




When I try to access a remote share \\domain\pcname\n$ I get the following ERROR:


"1405 - Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service."


The Machine has enough free memory, also the VM has been increased and the problem persist.

I also have increased the IRPStackSize without any changes. Most Forum associate this problem

with either AV Software or NIC problems. We have changed not long ago to McAffee and this is

the 1 Software all machines have in common.


Does anyone have come across this issue or have an idea how to resolve it?


Many thanks in advance for your input


Best regards



When I try to access a remote share \\domain\pcname\n$ I get the following ERROR:

"1405 - Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service."


Hello and welcome on Board! ;)


I think, it seems to be a problem with the McAfee-Firewall. Check the RDP-Settings.


You might be interested in the following links: Microsoft Remote Desktop doesn't work - McAfee Support Forums


Sysinternals Forums: Insufficient System Resourses



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