Kamaj 10 Geschrieben 30. März 2009 Autor Melden Geschrieben 30. März 2009 Also für alle die es interessieren sollte. Hab's jetzt rausgefunden. Loginscript mit /f angepasst und alles funktioniert. Group-membership information cache. As both methods of retrieving the group-membership are relatively costly in terms of network traffic and process time the latest update of KiXtart caches the group-membership information in the registry. This means that once the cache is filled, subsequent runs of KIX32.EXE will require much less time to retrieve the group-membership information. The group-membership cache is stored in the registry hive of the current user and contains security-identifier-to-groupname mappings. Changes to a user's group-membership are automatically handled by KiXtart during the next logon. If an existing group is renamed, that change will not be visible to KiXtart until the next time the token-cache is refreshed. The cache is automatically refreshed every 30 days. A refresh of the cache can also be forced using the new '/f' commandline option: KIX32 <yourscript> /f Optionally, you can include a date, indicating how old the cache must be for it to be refreshed: KIX32 <yourscript> /f:2001/12/31 The group-membership cache feature of KiXtart is only available on Windows NT or higher Zitieren
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