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WDS Deployment, Fehler nach Partitionierung [teils gelöst]

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ich mache nun schon seit ner Weile mit diesem Fehler nach der Paritionierung rum:


"Der Computer konnte nicht auf den Start der nächsten Installationsphase vorbereitet werden"


Laut div. Foren, Anleitungen, Beiträge aus diesem Forum sollte meine unattend.xml stimmen. Auch zig anderen Einstellungen bringen kein Erfolg. Lasse ich die Partitionierung einfach weg läuft die Installation durch.


Da es ja mehrere mit diesem Problem gibt wollt ich hier mal nach den aktuellen Erfahrungen fragen, vielleicht auch eine Lösung.



W2K8 Standard Server mit WDS + Updates



Dell Latitude E5400

Dell Opltiplex 760


Was mir auch noch nicht ganz klar ist, wieso kommt die Partitionsauswahl bevor die unattend.xml die Paritionen erstellt!? Liegt da vielleicht der Fehler? NAch diesem Schritt erstellt er ja dann dennoch die PArition nach meinen angaben in der XML und bricht dann mit dem Fehler ab.


hier meine unattend(test).xml:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
   <settings pass="windowsPE">
       <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
       <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
               <Disk wcm:action="add">
                       <CreatePartition wcm:action="add">
                       <ModifyPartition wcm:action="add">
               <RunSynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
                   <Path>cscript.exe x:\deploy\hello.vbs</Path>
                   <Description>Mein script</Description>
   <cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:d:/images/vista/vistax86.wim#Windows Vista BUSINESS" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />






so ich hab nunmal die Logs vom Client ausgelesen:




2009-03-27 14:28:51, Error      [0x0604ca] IBS    PrepareSystemVolume: Couldn't find system volume
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Error      [0x060221] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume: Unable to prepare and resolve system volume
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Error      [0x060224] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume:Boot preparation for next phase failed; GLE = 0x0.


und hier der Schluß von der setupact.log:

2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  IBS    IsDeviceSupported:Inferring device support. Device instance ID is [HTREE\ROOT\0]
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  IBS    DetermineDeviceSupport:Disk 0 has the necessary driver support
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x06034e] IBS    CallBack_PrepareInstallDrive:Install drive path is C:\
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x06021d] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume: Entry
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x06021f] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume: Current Setup phase is 2 (had started from phase 2)
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x060220] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume: Gathering information required to boot Windows.
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Error      [0x0604ca] IBS    PrepareSystemVolume: Couldn't find system volume
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Error      [0x060221] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume: Unable to prepare and resolve system volume
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Error      [0x060224] IBS    Callback_PrepareSystemVolume:Boot preparation for next phase failed; GLE = 0x0.
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x0640ae] IBSLIB PublishMessage: Publishing message [Der Computer konnte nicht auf den Start der nächsten Installationsphase vorbereitet werden. Starten Sie die Installation erneut, um Windows zu installieren.]
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x0a013d] UI     Accepting Cancel. Exiting Page Warten auf Server.
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  UI     Entering Page Cancel.
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  UI     Page with ID 3020 returned 1 for CanPageBeActivated with choice 0
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x0a0035] UI     Allowing Page 'Warten auf Server' to be shown
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  UI     Page with ID 3020 returned 1 for CanPageBeActivated with choice 0
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  UI     Page with ID 3020 returned 1 for CanPageBeActivated with choice 0
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x0a0035] UI     Allowing Page 'Warten auf Server' to be shown
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info                  UI     Page with ID 3020 returned 1 for CanPageBeActivated with choice 0
2009-03-27 14:28:51, Info       [0x0a011c] UI     WizardDialogPost::SetActive


Ja dann findet er wohl das System VOlume nicht, mal googeln ...


Hier der punkt wo die Parition erstellt wird:


komischerweise kommt der Teil 4mal in der log datei vor!?


 [0x0603d2] IBS    CallBack_DiskConfiguration_ApplyUnattend: Gathering offline drive-letter assignments from unattend.xml's DiskConfiguration setting...
 [0x060352] IBS    PerformInstallDiskPreparationOps:Install disk number = 0; install partition offset = 0x100000
            IBS    PerformInstallDiskPreparationOps:Install destination is unallocated or unformatted; auto-preparing as necessary...
            IBS    PerformInstallDiskPreparationOps:Making sure install drive is mounted...
 [0x060392] IBS    ApplyDiskOperationUsingService: Assigning drive letter to partition on disk [0] at offset [0x100000].
 [0x060159] IBS    PreparePack:Found offline disk pack [invalid].
 [0x06015b] IBS    PreparePack:Found offline disk pack [invalid], but it's not a pack we can bring online
 [0x064039] IBSLIB FormArcPathName:NtPath for disk = \Device\HardDisk0\Partition0
 [0x064038] IBSLIB NtPathToArcPath:Canonicalized NT path \Device\HardDisk0\Partition0 -> \Device\Harddisk0\DR0
 [0x06403a] IBSLIB FormArcPathName:NtPath for disk = [\Device\HardDisk0\Partition0] <====> ArcPath for partition = [multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)]
DumpDiskInformation:===== Disk number is [0] =====
 Disk friendly name is [\\?\PhysicalDrive0]
 Disk size in bytes [80026361856 / 0x12a1f16000]
 The disk is on a bus of type [ATA]
------- Unallocated disk region --------
	Partition size in bytes [32256 / 0x7e00]
	Partition offset in bytes [0 / 0x0]
	Partition free space in bytes [32256]
	Partition class is UNALLOCATED
MBR partition of type 0x0
	The partition is not of a recognized type
	File system is [RAW]
  ------- Unallocated disk region --------
Partition size in bytes [1016320 / 0xf8200]
	Partition offset in bytes [32256 / 0x7e00]
	Partition free space in bytes [1016320]
Partition class is UNALLOCATED
	MBR partition of type 0x0
	The partition is not of a recognized type
	File system is [RAW]
 ----- NT partition number is [1] -----
	Partition size in bytes [80024174592 / 0x12a1d00000]
	Partition offset in bytes [1048576 / 0x100000]
Partition free space in bytes [79927844864]
	Partition class is MBR_PRIMARY
	MBR partition of type 0x7
	The partition is of a recognized type
	Drive path [C:]
	File system is [NTFS]
Volume label is [test]
	Volume flags = [0x98404]
	Disk [0] partition [1] is an active partition
  ------- Unallocated disk region --------
	Partition size in bytes [90112 / 0x16000]
	Partition offset in bytes [80025223168 / 0x12a1e00000]
Partition free space in bytes [90112]
	Partition class is UNALLOCATED
MBR partition of type 0x0
The partition is not of a recognized type
File system is [RAW]
IBSLIB GetSystemDiskNTPath: Found system disk at [\Device\Harddisk0\DR0].
IBSLIB GetSystemDiskNumber: Disk [0] is the system disk.
IBS    PublishDiskCapabilitiesToBlackboard: Disk 0 bus type is: 00000003 (VdsBusTypeIsci is 00000009).
IBSLIB GetDiskSmartFailureStatus: Drive 0 passed SMART check.


EDIT: Es geht!!! Wenn ich den Teil hier in die unattend.xml hinzufüge läufts! Aber warum? Und ich will doch eigentlich ein Image bzw. Windows auswählen, jemand eine Idee, Tipp od. Erklärung!?

                       <ImageName>Windows Vista BUSINESS</ImageName>

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