Lian 2.531 Geschrieben 15. Juli 2009 Melden Geschrieben 15. Juli 2009 Hallo, die Welcome Kits werden seit kurzem nicht mehr automatisch auf Anforderung über die MCP Member Website versendet: Are welcome kits still available for new MCPs? New members of the community are welcomed with a Microsoft Certification ID (or MCP ID)—the key to all of the benefits on the MCP member site. The Certificate Manager tool on the MCP member site allows you to create' date=' download, print, and store your customized Certificate of Achievement as soon as your new certification appears on your transcript.[/b'] The most up-to-date versions of the program agreement and contact sheet are also available online. To accommodate customer preferences and an environmentally conscious world, we no longer mail out welcome kits. Aus dem MCP Flash Newsletter July 2009: If you require a paper certificate, you may order one through the MCP member Web site. There will be a shipping and handling fee associated with your order. Offizielle Infos dazu aus dem Microsoft Learning Born-to-learn Blog: Going Green - MCP Digital Certificates Are Here | born to learn Danke an D.T. für die Details dazu. :)
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