BrainStorm 10 Geschrieben 5. November 2009 Melden Geschrieben 5. November 2009 Dieses Examen betrifft ausschließlich MCSA+S zertifizierte Kollegen und soll die auf die aktuellen Sicherheitsstandards eingehen. Microsoft announces the availability of exam 70-699: Windows Server 2003, MCSA Security Specialization Skills Update. This exam allows the certification holder to demonstrate their continuing ability to perform the security-related functions and tasks on Windows Server 2003 and one of Microsoft’s clients (operating systems). The prep guide for this exam is available at: Windows Server 2003, MCSA Security Specialization Skills Update Who Should Take This Exam? Some organizations will not recognize credentials unless they meet the ISO 17024 Personnel Certification Bodies requirements. For example, according to the Department of Defense Directive 8570.1, by 2010, the DoD will only recognize information security credentials that have been accredited by ANSI or equivalent authorization bodies. Because demonstrating continued competence (recertification) is one of the ISO 17024 requirements, we have developed this exam to fulfill this requirement. If you hold the MCSA Security Specialization credential and work for the DoD or an organization with similar requirements, you should take this exam if you’d like your organization to recognize your MCSA Security Specialization credential. Additionally, candidates who are interested in demonstrating continued competence on the security-related functions and tasks on Windows Server 2003 and one of Microsoft’s clients are encouraged to take this exam. Recertification is not required for candidates who do not work for such an organization or who have no interest in demonstrating continued competence in this content area. Please note that this process only applies to the MCSA Security Specialization credential. How to Demonstrate Continued Competence Renewal requires certification holders to register for and pass 70-699: Windows Server 2003, MCSA Security Specialization Skills Update. After passing the exam, the candidate will earn the MCSA Security Specialization plus recertification credential. Note that candidates must hold the MCSA Security Specialization prior to recertification; candidates who take and pass 70-699 will not be awarded the MCSA Security Specialization plus recertification credential until they have met all the requirements for the MCSA Security Specialization credential. Candidates will be required to demonstrate continued competence every three years. If candidates do not, their MCSA Security Specialization plus recertification credential will expire and revert to the MCSA Security Specialization credential without the recertification designator. Candidates who hold the MCSA Security Specialization credential can earn the MCSA Security Specialization plus recertification at any time by passing 70-699. Demonstrate that you are up to date on the latest security-related functions and tasks on Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista or Windows 7 with MCSA Security Specialization plus recertification. Learn more about MCSA recertification. Announcing the Availability of Exam 70-699: Windows Server 2003, MCSA Security Specialization Skills Update | born to learn Zitieren
Daniel Kugler 10 Geschrieben 5. November 2009 Melden Geschrieben 5. November 2009 Nicht schlecht, hat ja schon was diese Prüfung. Verstehe ich das richtig das es ein Bestandteil der ISO 17024 ist? Zitieren
Stephan Betken 43 Geschrieben 1. Januar 2010 Melden Geschrieben 1. Januar 2010 Ich möchte an der Stelle mal ganz kurz auf die Prüfung eingehen. Die Inhalte stimmen zwar soweit mit dem überein, was MS auf der Seite angegeben hat, dennoch fand ich die Prüfung etwas enttäuschend. Bei einer Recertification-Prüfung bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass überwiegend die Neuerungen seit XP/2003 geprüft werden, aber leider waren es viele Fragen zu Themen, bei denen sich nichts verändert hat. Gewundert haben mich dann doch die Simulationen zu Benutzerberechtigungen und Gruppenmitgliedschaften. Fazit: Ist auch ohne Vorbereitung locker zu schaffen. Zitieren
dicker 10 Geschrieben 1. Januar 2010 Melden Geschrieben 1. Januar 2010 Wenn man "nur" MCSE2003 ist (ohne +S), hilft einem dann die 70-699 irgendwas? Zitieren
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