samsam 14 Geschrieben 22. September 2010 Melden Geschrieben 22. September 2010 Hallo Leute ich habe seit 1 woche angefangen SCOM 2007 zulernen. gestern nacht in technet website habe eine excellent resource für anfänger gefunden. habe gedacht vielleicht hilft diese resource andere leute , dass SCOM 2007 lernen wollen. hier ist download link and orginal link. Source Link This is a great document for people starting out with SCOM implementations or even people experienced in the product. 100+ pages of great documentation from Microsoft Premier Field Engineers who live in the product. Table of Contents * Where do I see Views / Monitoring / Alerts etc. for my technology? * Something shows as Red. How do I figure out why it is showing as Red? * How do I get more detail on what is in my Technology’s Management Pack? * How do I disable or tune something in Ops Mgr? * How do I create a rule to be alerted on a scenario such as a user being added to domain admins? * How do I create a Subscription which will notify when a given alert occurs. * How do I know if OpsMgr is collecting a specific performance counter? * How do I create a rule to collect performance data that is not already collected in a management pack, and show it in the graphs in Operations Manager? * How do I create a performance monitor to monitor if a performance counter sample exceeds a threshold? * How do I run a report for a performance counter that OpsMgr is collecting? * How Do I Generate a Top ‘n’ Performance Report? * How do I know what parameters are available in an event to monitor off? * Appendix - Best Practices: Credits to Antoni Hanus and Jesse Harris from Microsoft PFE. Download regards Zitieren
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