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Cisco 2811 CCME ISDN Problem

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Hab ein Problem mit der Telefonanlage an meinen 2811er und zwar kann ich einfach keine Verbindung mit dem Tel/Handy von extern nach innen aufbauen, da kommt immer besetzt.

Genauso ich kann auch nicht rauswählen.

Hat da jemand eine Idee?


Hier meine config:


trunk group Telekom


hunt-scheme round-robin














voice translation-rule 1


rule 1 /^.*/ /<meine_tel>/




voice translation-rule 2


rule 1 /^<meine_tel>0$/ /210/




voice translation-rule 3


rule 1 /^<meine_tel_>\([0-2]..\)$/ /\1/






voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_xxxxx


translate calling 1




voice translation-profile Telekom_in_0_2


translate called 2




voice translation-profile Telekom_in_3


translate called 3

interface BRI0/3/0


no ip address


trunk-group Telekom




interface BRI0/3/1


no ip address


trunk-group Telekom


tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.bin alias P00308000500.bin


tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.loads alias P00308000500.loads


tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.sb2 alias P00308000500.sb2


tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.sbn alias P00308000500.sbn












voice-port 0/3/0


connection plar 1500




voice-port 0/3/1


connection plar 1500


dial-peer cor custom






dial-peer voice 1 pots


trunkgroup Telekom


description Telekom_out


translation-profile outgoing CALLER_ID_<meine_tel>


destination-pattern <meine_tel>T


forward-digits all




dial-peer voice 2 pots


description Telekom_in_0


translation-profile incoming Telekom_in_0_2


incoming called-number <meine_tel>T




port 0/3/0




dial-peer voice 3 pots


description Telekom_in_0


translation-profile incoming Telekom_in_0_2


incoming called-number <meine_tel>T




port 0/3/1




dial-peer voice 4 pots


description Telekom_in


translation-profile incoming Telekom_in_3


incoming called-number <meine_tel>[0-2]..




port 0/3/0




dial-peer voice 5 pots


description Telekom_in


translation-profile incoming Telekom_in_3


incoming called-number <meine_tel>[0-2]..




port 0/3/1







Wenn noch was gebraucht wird, einfach bescheid sagen.




was haben wir den auf dem ISDN Point to Point (Anlagenanschluß) oder Point to Multipoint (MSN) - dann mal die BRI´s debuggen - was die so meinen und die passenden Config Zeilen posten - damit man weiss ob der Bereich passt - dann sollten wir uns die Voice rules ansehen - wenn wir wissen was ankommt.


bekomm bei debug isdn all immer folgenden Fehler:


Sep 26 18:18:24.362: ISDN **ERROR**: isdn_iqueue: called without a switch type

Sep 26 18:18:25.346: %SYS-3-INVMEMINT: Invalid memory action (malloc) at interrupt level -Traceback= 0x44A60BC0z 0x41C66988z 0x41C66AA0z 0x4070A064z 0x406EAE5Cz 0x40735F98z 0x4027A9F0z 0x4027B0F8z 0x41149274z 0x40F55F34z 0x4000FA40z 0x400119F4z




das denke ich mir. Hast du den Befehl "isdn switch type....." in der Config?


Hier ein Auszug aus einer Config mit Anlagenanschluß :


interface BRI0/1/0

no ip address

isdn switch-type basic-net3

isdn timer T310 10000

isdn overlap-receiving T302 10000

isdn tei-negotiation first-call

isdn point-to-point-setup

isdn incoming-voice voice

isdn send-alerting

isdn sending-complete

isdn outgoing-voice info-transfer-capability 3.1kHz-audio

isdn static-tei 0

isdn skipsend-idverify



Vielen Dank.

Jetzt bekomm ich immer "kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer"


hier mal die ganze Config:


Router_1#sh run

Building configuration...



Current configuration : 15478 bytes


! Last configuration change at 05:08:58 CTE Mon Sep 27 2010


version 15.1

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec

service password-encryption


hostname Router_1



boot system flash c2800nm-advipservicesk9-mz.151-2.T1.bin




logging buffered 51200 warnings



multilink bundle-name authenticated


isdn switch-type basic-net3



trunk group Telekom




voice translation-rule 1

rule 1 /^xxxx298430$/ /210/


voice translation-rule 2

rule 1 /^xxxx29843\([0-2]..\)$/ /\1/



voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_xxxx29843


voice translation-profile Telekom_2

translate called 2


voice translation-profile Telekom_in_0_2


voice translation-profile Telekom_in_1

translate called 1


voice translation-profile Telekom_in_3



voice-card 0

dsp services dspfarm



interface BRI0/3/0

no ip address

isdn switch-type basic-net3

isdn timer T310 10000

isdn overlap-receiving T302 10000

isdn tei-negotiation first-call

isdn point-to-point-setup

isdn incoming-voice voice

isdn send-alerting

isdn sending-complete

isdn outgoing-voice info-transfer-capability 3.1kHz-audio

isdn static-tei 0

isdn skipsend-idverify

trunk-group Telekom


interface BRI0/3/1

no ip address

isdn switch-type basic-net3

isdn timer T310 10000

isdn overlap-receiving T302 10000

isdn tei-negotiation first-call

isdn point-to-point-setup

isdn incoming-voice voice

isdn send-alerting

isdn sending-complete

isdn outgoing-voice info-transfer-capability 3.1kHz-audio

isdn static-tei 0

isdn skipsend-idverify

trunk-group Telekom



tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.bin alias P00308000500.bin

tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.loads alias P00308000500.loads

tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.sb2 alias P00308000500.sb2

tftp-server flash:/phone/7940-7960/P00308000500.sbn alias P00308000500.sbn





voice-port 0/3/0

connection plar 1500


voice-port 0/3/1

connection plar 1001




sccp local FastEthernet0/0.2



dial-peer cor custom



dial-peer voice 1 pots

description Telekom_in

translation-profile incoming Telekom_in_1

incoming called-number xxxx98430


port 0/3/0


dial-peer voice 2 pots

description Telekom_in

translation-profile incoming Telekom_in_1

incoming called-number xxxx98430


port 0/3/1


dial-peer voice 3 pots

description Telekom

translation-profile incoming Telekom_2

incoming called-number xxxx9843[0-2]..


port 0/3/0


dial-peer voice 4 pots

description Telekom

translation-profile incoming Telekom_2

incoming called-number xxxx9843[0-2]..


port 0/3/1






no auto-reg-ephone

max-ephones 35

max-dn 40

ip source-address port 2000

system message yyyy

load 7960-7940 P00308000500.loads

time-zone 23

time-format 24

date-format dd-mm-yy

dialplan-pattern 1 xxxx9843 extension-length 3

max-conferences 8 gain -6

moh flash:/music-on-hold.au

transfer-system full-consult



Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

Sep 27 09:52:49.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:52:49.104: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:52:51.364: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=2

Sep 27 09:52:51.404: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=3

Sep 27 09:52:51.404: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=2

Sep 27 09:52:51.408: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=3

Sep 27 09:52:59.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:52:59.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:01.364: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=3

Sep 27 09:53:01.364: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=2

Sep 27 09:53:09.176: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- INFO sapi=0 tei=0, ns=2 nr=3

Sep 27 09:53:09.176: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q931: SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x01

Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3

Standard = CCITT

Transfer Capability = Speech

Transfer Mode = Circuit

Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s

Channel ID i = 0x89

Exclusive, B1

Calling Party Number i = 0x2181, '###67294'

Plan:ISDN, Type:National

Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '###432'

Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)

High Layer Compat i = 0x9181

Sep 27 09:53:09.180: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RR sapi=0 tei=0 nr=3

Sep 27 09:53:09.188: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> INFO sapi=0 tei=0, ns=3 nr=3

Sep 27 09:53:09.188: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q931: SETUP_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x81

Channel ID i = 0x89

Exclusive, B1

Sep 27 09:53:09.204: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RR sapi=0 tei=0 nr=4

Sep 27 09:53:09.212: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> INFO sapi=0 tei=0, ns=4 nr=3

Sep 27 09:53:09.212: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q931: DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x81

Cause i = 0x8081 - Unallocated/unassigned number

Sep 27 09:53:09.228: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RR sapi=0 tei=0 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:09.264: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- INFO sapi=0 tei=0, ns=3 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:09.264: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q931: INFORMATION pd = 8 callref = 0x01

Called Party Number i = 0xC1, '1'

Plan:ISDN, Type:Subscriber(local)

Sep 27 09:53:09.264: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RR sapi=0 tei=0 nr=4

Sep 27 09:53:09.284: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- INFO sapi=0 tei=0, ns=4 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:09.284: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q931: RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0x01

Sep 27 09:53:09.284: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RR sapi=0 tei=0 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:09.288: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> INFO sapi=0 tei=0, ns=5 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:09.288: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q931: RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x81

Sep 27 09:53:09.304: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RR sapi=0 tei=0 nr=6

Sep 27 09:53:18.360: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=6

Sep 27 09:53:18.360: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:19.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:19.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:28.360: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:28.364: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=6

Sep 27 09:53:28.364: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:28.412: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=6

Sep 27 09:53:29.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User TX -> RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:29.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:29.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:29.132: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User RX <- RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:38.404: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=6

Sep 27 09:53:38.404: ISDN BR0/3/1 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=5

Sep 27 09:53:39.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User RX <- RRp sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1

Sep 27 09:53:39.100: ISDN BR0/3/0 Q921: User TX -> RRf sapi=0 tei=0 nr=1


das bekomm ich als Debug

bearbeitet von Gulaschkanone
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