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Systemfehler 1130 NET /USE

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/Mod bitte weg schauen :cool:


zwei verfluchte Tage damit verbracht den Fehler herauszufinden, xxx mal die Configs durchgegagen und und und....

und was war es, unreife Software.!!!! ***** und ****** und *******

man man man......

so jetzt geht es mir besser...



Mod darf ab hier wieder mitlesen... ;)


falls jemand mal den Fehler hat "Systemfehler 1130" bei NET /USE liegt es daran, dass die liebe Programierer von Acronis mist gebaut haben.


hier die Lösung:


Not enough server storage is available to process this command. Not enough memory to complete transaction. Close some applications and retry.


Shared folders that reside on the machine cannot be accessed after installation of Acronis True Image on this machine.


The problem is that Microsoft Lanman Server has a fixed limit on the quantity of filters it supports. Since Acronis True Image installs some filters to support backups, the total number of filters can exceed the server's limit. The same problem may occur after installation of an antivirus product and is described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 177078 (Antivirus software may cause Event ID 2011)


Do the following to solve the issue:


- Run "regedit" command (Start -> Run);

- Find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters registry key;

- Increase the IRPStackSize value or create it and set to 18, if it does not exist.


This would help you resolve the problem. Here is step-by-step description:


1.Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

2.Locate and then click the following registry subkey:


3.Click Edit, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

4.Type IRPStackSize, and then press ENTER to name the value.

Note Type IRPStackSize exactly as it is displayed. The value name is case sensitive.

5.Click Edit, and then click Modify.

6.In the Data Value box, type the value that is appropriate for the network, and then click OK.



so jetzt brauche ich ein Kaffee...

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