nobody12 10 Geschrieben 6. Oktober 2010 Melden Geschrieben 6. Oktober 2010 hi habe heute meine 70-640 gemacht und bestandern und bei den ganzen zettel von prometic test center steht irgenwas von einem begrüssungskit das mann das besntragen kann aber was beinhaltet das kit Zitieren
NorbertFe 2.177 Geschrieben 6. Oktober 2010 Melden Geschrieben 6. Oktober 2010 AFAIR gibt es keine Begrüßungskits mehr. Microsoft Learning: Program Benefits and Member Sites FAQ Q. Does Microsoft still ship welcome kits? A. New members of the community are welcomed with an email message containing their Microsoft Certification ID (MC ID) —the key to all of the benefits on the MCP or the MOS member site. You gain access to the member sites after you earn a Microsoft Certification and follow the steps outlined in the welcome email message. On the MCP member site, the Certificate Manager tool allows you to download, print, or order your certificate as soon as your new certification appears on your transcript. On the MOS member site, this option is currently not available. MOS community members can go directly to the Certiport site for this functionality. To accommodate customer preferences and an environmentally conscious world, we no longer mail out welcome kits. Bye Norbert Zitieren
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