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Generate Exchange Environment Reports using Powershell

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This script, inspired by the output of an Exchange TAP tool, aims to automatically generate a report that gives you an overview of your environment, Exchange 2007 and 2010 servers and database availability groups - in particular:


Total Servers per Exchange version & service pack

Total Mailboxes per Exchange version & service pack

Totals for Exchange roles across the environment

A site-by-site breakdown for the following:

Mailboxes per site

Exchange servers, version, update rollup (new), service level, highlighted installed roles, OS version and service pack

A breakdown of each Database Availability Group including:

DAG name, member count and member list

Database information such as


Mailboxes per database and Average Size

Archive mailboxes per database and Average Size (new) - only shown if a DAG DB includes Archive mailboxes

Database and whitespace size

Last full backup date/time (new) - only shown if at least one DAG DB has had a full backup

Circular Logging state (new) - only shown if at least one DAG DB has circular logging enabled

Server hosting the active copy

List of servers hosting copies and copy count

A breakdown of Non-DAG databases including Exchange 2007 DBs, including the database information above, along with Storage Group name (where applicable). (new)





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