samsam 14 Geschrieben 24. Juni 2011 Melden Geschrieben 24. Juni 2011 Moin, ich habe heute diese powershell skript für Exchange gefunden. Vielleicht ist useful für jemand. This script, inspired by the output of an Exchange TAP tool, aims to automatically generate a report that gives you an overview of your environment, Exchange 2007 and 2010 servers and database availability groups - in particular: Total Servers per Exchange version & service pack Total Mailboxes per Exchange version & service pack Totals for Exchange roles across the environment A site-by-site breakdown for the following: Mailboxes per site Exchange servers, version, update rollup (new), service level, highlighted installed roles, OS version and service pack A breakdown of each Database Availability Group including: DAG name, member count and member list Database information such as Name Mailboxes per database and Average Size Archive mailboxes per database and Average Size (new) - only shown if a DAG DB includes Archive mailboxes Database and whitespace size Last full backup date/time (new) - only shown if at least one DAG DB has had a full backup Circular Logging state (new) - only shown if at least one DAG DB has circular logging enabled Server hosting the active copy List of servers hosting copies and copy count A breakdown of Non-DAG databases including Exchange 2007 DBs, including the database information above, along with Storage Group name (where applicable). (new) Get-ExchangeEnvironmentReport.ps1 Zitieren
NilsK 2.982 Geschrieben 25. Juni 2011 Melden Geschrieben 25. Juni 2011 Moin samsam, in der Tat, das sieht sehr gut aus. Ich werde es mir mal in Ruhe ansehen! Gruß, Nils Zitieren
samsam 14 Geschrieben 27. Juni 2011 Autor Melden Geschrieben 27. Juni 2011 Moin NilsK, freut mich sehr dass useful ist. Steve Goodman is great Exchange guy. mfg Zitieren
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