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Exchange 2010 Boot Camp Lessons -Free

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hier ist free videos von Paul Cunningham.


Module 1 - Building an Exchange Server 2010 Training Environment


In module 1 you will learn how to create a simple training lab environment that you can use to learn about Exchange Server 2010.


The lessons will cover:


An overview of the options for creating an Exchange Server 2010 training lab

How to build a training lab using the free virtualization software called VirtualBox

Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 and create the Active Directory

Installing Exchange Server 2010 for the first time



Module 2 - Configuring Exchange Server 2010


In module 2 you will learn how to configure the features of your new Exchange Server 2010 server, including:


Configuring the Mailbox server role

Configuring the Client Access Server role

Configuring a domain name for external email

Configuring message transport



Module 3 – Managing Recipients


In module 3 you will learn how to use the Exchange 2010 management tools to administer recipients, including:


Creating and managing mailboxes

Creating and managing distribution groups

Creating and managing contacts



Module 4 – Backup and Recovery


In module 4 you will learn how to backup and restore data on Exchange 2010 servers, including:


How to backup Exchange 2010 using Windows Server Backup

How to restore a mailbox database

How to restore an individual mailbox







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