dkdenz 11 Geschrieben 3. Juli 2012 Melden Geschrieben 3. Juli 2012 Hallo ich habe ein Problem mit Roamingprofiles, es werden die Changes an der HKCU nicht in der ntuser.ini gespeichert. also bei jedem Login auf der VM sind alle Änderungen in der HKEY_CURRENT_USER wieder weg. Die Profil Redirection findet mit 2 GPOs statt: Computer Configuration - Policies - Administrative Templates - System - User Profiles Add the Administrators security group to roaming user profiles Enabled Do not check for user ownership of Roaming Profile Folders Enabled Set roaming profile path for all users logging onto this computer Enabled Users logging onto this computer should use this roaming profile path: \\servername\ts-profiles$\%username% User Configuration - Policies - Windows Settings - Folder Redirection [b]AppData(Roaming)[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\AppData\Roaming Grant user exclusive rights to AppData(Roaming): Disabled Move the contents of AppData(Roaming) to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled [b]Contacts[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\Contacts Grant user exclusive rights to Contacts: Disabled Move the contents of Contacts to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled [b]Desktop[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\Desktop Grant user exclusive rights to Desktop: Disabled Move the contents of Desktop to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled [b]Documents[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\My Documents Grant user exclusive rights to Documents: Disabled Move the contents of Documents to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled [b]Downloads[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\Downloads Grant user exclusive rights to Downloads: Disabled Move the contents of Downloads to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled [b]Favorites[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\Favorites Grant user exclusive rights to Favorites: Disabled Move the contents of Favorites to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled [b]Links[/b] Setting: Basic (Redirect everyones folder to the same location) Path: \\servername\UserData$\%Username%\Links Grant user exclusive rights to Links: Disabled Move the contents of Links to the new location Enabled Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems Disabled hab ich irgendwas vergessen? sorry ich komm echt nicht weiter. Danke für die Hilfe im vorraus!!! 1 Zitieren
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