samsam 14 Geschrieben 28. August 2012 Melden Geschrieben 28. August 2012 Moin, das ist eine gute GUI für RBAC und mann kann PowerShell commands für Exchange einfacher zu lernen. MFG RBAC Manager puts all efforts to simplify the RBAC administration. Basically it provides the missing GUI to edit RBAC settings on Exchange 2010 systems; including adding/removing cmdlets, cmdlet properties, assignments etc. RBAC tool is written in C# and using Powershell behind the scenes Tested on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Server 2008 R2 against Exchange Server 2010 SP2 and Exchange Server 2013 Preview Pre-Requirements: 1. PowerShell 2.0 2. HTTP/80 network connection to the Exchange server Download Zitieren
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