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ISO installation schlägt fehl

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nach dem erstellen eines ISOs mit Hilfe der MDT, lasse ich das ISO über eine netzfreigabe auf einer VM mounten.

Ich scheitere allerdings nach dem mitgeben der Task Sequence und den Properties und erhalte einen Fehler.


LTI Apply LOG:


<![LOG[Microsoft Deployment Toolkit version: 6.1.2369.0]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[The task sequencer log is located at X:\windows\TEMP\SMSTSLog\SMSTS.LOG. For task sequence failures, please consult this log.]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[Will boot into Windows PE architecture x64 to match OS being deployed.]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[OSDTargetDriveCache was determined earlier : C:]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[Property OSDTargetDriveCache is now = C:]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[Property OSDisk is now = C:]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[ Open Control File: OperatingSystems]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[------ Applying Windows image using ImageX.exe ------]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[LTI applying image D:\Deploy\Operating Systems\Muster SRV2008R2SP1\install.wim using ImageX]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[Property SourcePath is now = D:\Deploy\Operating Systems\Muster SRV2008R2SP1]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[Cleaning off old operating system]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[skipping C:\MININT]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[skipping C:\_SMSTaskSequence]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="1" thread="" file="LTIApply">

<![LOG[ZTI ERROR - Unhandled error returned by LTIApply: Object required (424)]LOG]!><time="08:19:13.000+000" date="09-14-2012" component="LTIApply" context="" type="3" thread="" file="LTIApply">



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