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does not pass SPF requirements for domain prvs

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Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/cleanup[28242]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: Subject: Re: divers points[-]Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/cleanup[28242]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: Reported by: ipdns.borderware.com IP scanned: 10.100.15.xx Reputation: 0 Certainty: 0 Spamminess: 0 Infected: 0 Harvester: 0 DNSBL count: 0 Dial-up: 0 Scam: 0 Reputation Whitelist: none[-]Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/cleanup[28242]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: User Policy: 0 Group Policy: 0 Domain Policy: 0 System: none Source (Reason): None Action: none Recipient: p.vaquier@xx.fr Is Inbound: no Intercept score: 0 Rule Number: 0 User Time Policy: 0 IP Time Policy: 0 IP Policy: 0 Group Time Policy: 0 Domain Time Policy: 0 Default Time Policy: 0[-]Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/cleanup[28242]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: User Policy: 0 Group Policy: 0 Domain Policy: 0 System: none Source (Reason): None Action: none Recipient: c.pons@xx.fr Is Inbound: no Intercept score: 0 Rule Number: 0 User Time Policy: 0 IP Time Policy: 0 IP Policy: 0 Group Time Policy: 0 Domain Time Policy: 0 Default Time Policy: 0[-]Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/smtpd[13956]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: Sender IP: 10.100.15.xx TLS Requested: no TLS Used: no Is Trusted: yes Action: none Source: None Reason: "" Rule Number: 0 Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/qmgr[79293]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: from=<P.Duclos@xx.net>, size=23621, nrcpt=4 (queue active)

Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/smtp[11942]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: to=<c.pons@xx.fr>, relay=mail.xx.fr[85.31.221.x], delay=0, status=bounced (host mail.xx.fr[85.31.221.x] said: 550 does not pass SPF requirements for domain prvs=063268f758=P.Duclos@xx.net (in reply to MAIL FROM command))

bearbeitet von David

Oct 12 09:50:33 cob postfix/smtp[11942]: EA2B372CFFC965FF: to=<c.pons@xx.fr>, relay=mail.xx.fr[85.31.221.x], delay=0, status=bounced (host mail.xx.fr[85.31.221.x] said: 550 does not pass SPF requirements for domain prvs=063268f758=P.Duclos@xx.net (in reply to MAIL FROM command))


Tja, wenn du natürlich alles verschleierst, wird es schwer. Dann mußt du selbst ran und die dazugehörigen SPF Records abfragen und schauen, wo es hakt. ;)




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