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Active Directory Schema Discover 1.0 - Free Tool

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Ich habe ein gute free Tool gefunden. Vielleicht möchte auch jemand diese Tool benutzen. Diese Tool ist von Alexandre Augagneur - ADDS MVP.





With this script, you will able to collect all details of your Active Directory Schema and to discover:

  • The date of creation of the schema
  • The number of the schema objects
  • The various dates of the schema updates (schema objects grouped by date of creation)
  • The versions of the schema (Active Directory, Exchange, Lync…)
  • The number of the schema objects
  • The entire list of the schema objects associated with the MS products (Export CSV implemented)

Note: The association between the schema objects and the MS products is made with a specific CSV file which can be downloaded directly from my website (the link is published on the script).





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