Heckflosse 10 Geschrieben 4. Februar 2013 Melden Geschrieben 4. Februar 2013 Hallo, wir verwenden als neue Backup-Software "NetBackup" von Symantec. Auf dem Backup-Server befindet sich ein Verzeichnis, das gesichert werden soll. In dem Full-Backup-Job ist eine Retention von 2 Wochen hinterlegt. Media Multiplexing: 1 Wir haben 2 Generationen an Bändern. Gestern sollte die Sicherung ausgeführt werden, die Bänder sind 2 Wochen alt, vom 20.01.2013. Bei Beginn des Jobs erhielt ich diese E-Mail-Meldung: NetBackup Error Notification: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2013-02-03 20:00 CLIENT: degbackup01 2013-02-03 20:00 POLICY: VMWARE 2013-02-03 20:00 SCHEDULE: Full 2013-02-03 20:00 SCHEDULE TYPE: FULL 2013-02-03 20:00 STATUS: 96 2013-02-03 20:00 STREAM: 0 2013-02-03 20:00 DONE_TRYING: 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Job Details for Backup Job 4239: (bperror -L -jobid 4239) 02/03/2013 20:00:00 V1 S:degbackup01 C:degbackup01 J:4239 (U:4239,0) Error(0x10) General(0x2) nbjm NBU status: 96, EMM status: No media is available 02/03/2013 20:00:00 V1 S:degbackup01 C:degbackup01 J:4239 (U:4239,0) Info(0x4) BackStat(0x44) nbpem CLIENT degbackup01 POLICY VMWARE SCHED Full EXIT STATUS 96 (unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available) 02/03/2013 20:00:00 V1 S:degbackup01 C:degbackup01 J:4239 (U:4239,0) Error(0x10) Backup(0x4) nbpem backup of client degbackup01 exited with status 96 (unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Current Drive Unit Status: (tpconfig -l) Device Robot Drive Robot Drive Device Type Num Index Type DrNum Status Comment Name Path robot 0 - TLD - - - - {1,0,0,1} drive - 0 hcart2 1 UP - HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.000 {1,0,0,0} drive - 1 hcart2 2 UP - HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.001 {3,0,0,0} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Current Media Status Summary: (bpmedialist -summary -brief -U) ******************************************************************************* MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER GROUP UNRESTRICTED_SHARING_GROUP ON 03.02.2013 20:00:01 ******************************************************************************* ACTIVE FULL SUSPENDED FROZEN IMPORTED WORM BE_MEDIA ENCRYPTED 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ******************************************************************************* MEDIA SUMMARY FOR SERVER degbackup01 ON 03.02.2013 20:00:01 ******************************************************************************* ACTIVE FULL SUSPENDED FROZEN IMPORTED WORM BE_MEDIA ENCRYPTED 3 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Number of NON-ACTIVE media that: 4 - are currently EXPIRED Number of ACTIVE media that, as of now: 1 - are currently EXPIRED 2 - will expire between 1 and 2 weeks Summary by retention level of ALL media Level # Media Megabytes 0 2 139834.7 1 5 3221608.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Error Code (96) Description: (bperror -S ERRORCODE) unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available The NetBackup resource broker (nbrb) did not allocate a new volume for backups. This error indicates that the storage unit has no more volumes available in the volume pool for this backup. Note that NetBackup does not change storage units during the backup. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Error Summary of the last 24 hours: (bperror -backstat -U -by_statcode -hoursago 24) 0 the requested operation was successfully completed degbackup01 96 unable to allocate new media for backup, storage unit has none available degbackup01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Job List Summary: (bpdbjobs -summary -L) Summary of jobs on degbackup01 Queued: 1 Waiting-to-Retry: 0 Active: 0 Successful: 11 Partially Successful: 9 Failed: 0 Incomplete: 0 Suspended: 0 Total: 21 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Tape Drive Cleaning Status: (tpclean -L) Drive Name Type Mount Time Frequency Last Cleaned Comment ********** **** ********** ********* **************** ******* HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.000 hcart2* 93.3 0 N/A HP.ULTRIUM5-SCSI.001 hcart2* 101.6 0 N/A ---------------------------------------------------------------------- . Cleaning Tape Status: (vmquery -mt hcart2_clean) ================================================================================ Was mache ich falsch? Gruß Markus Zitieren
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