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Keine Anmeldung an Server mehr möglich

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Hallo zusammen,


wir haben noch einen alten 2000er Server (ja der muss demnächst erneuert werden ;)). Dort ist es nun nicht mehr möglich sich anzumelden. Es erscheint immer Benutzereinstellungen werden geladen und dann erscheitn gleich danach "Einstellungen werden gespeichert" und man ist wieder in der Anmeldung.


Das passiert bei lokaler und der Domänen Anmeldung. Ebenso ist keine Anmeldung im abgesicherten Modus mehr möglich.


Ich wäre für Hilfe sehr dankbar. In dem Log sieht es für mich so aus, als gäbe es Probleme beim erkennen/laden der Profile. Ich habe aber auch schon versucht mich mit einem komplett neuen Profil anzumelden. Ebenso nicht möglich.


In der Userenv.log steht folgendes:


USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 =========================================================
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: Entering, hToken = <0x70>, lpProfileInfo = 0x6f648
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: Entering, hToken = <0x70>, lpProfileInfo = 0x6f648
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->dwFlags = <0x0>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpUserName = <administrator>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: NULL central profile path
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpDefaultPath = <\\DOMAIN-server3\netlogon\Default User>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:415 LoadUserProfile: NULL server name
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetUserMutex:  entering
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetUserMutex: Waiting...
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetUserMutex: Wait succeeded.  Mutex currently held.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 RestoreUserProfile:  Entering
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 RestoreUserProfile:  User is a Admin
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 IsCentralProfileReachable:  Entering
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 IsCentralProfileReachable:  Null path.  Leaving
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 RestoreUserProfile:  Profile path = <>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 ExtractProfileFromBackup:  A profile already exists
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 PatchNewProfileIfRequred: A profile already exists with the current sid, exitting
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 CreateLocalProfileKey:  Not setting additional Security
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetExistingLocalProfileImage:  Found entry in profile list for existing local profile
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetExistingLocalProfileImage:  Local profile image filename = <%SystemDrive%\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.server>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetExistingLocalProfileImage:  Expanded local profile image filename = <C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.server>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetExistingLocalProfileImage:  No local mandatory profile.  Error = 2
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetExistingLocalProfileImage:  Found local profile image file ok <C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.server\ntuser.dat>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 GetExistingLocalProfileImage:  Failed to query low profile unload time with error 2
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 Local Existing Profile Image is reachable
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 Local profile name is <C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.server>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:431 RestoreUserProfile:  No central profile.  Attempting to load local profile.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:524 MyRegLoadKey: Mutex released.  Returning 0.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 MyRegLoadKey: Mutex released.  Returning 0.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 CreateClassHive: existing user classes hive found
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 RestoreUserProfile:  About to Leave.  Final Information follows:
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 Profile was successfully loaded.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 lpProfile->lpRoamingProfile = <>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 lpProfile->lpLocalProfile = <C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator.server>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 lpProfile->dwInternalFlags = 0x100
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:540 RestoreUserProfile:  Leaving.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 UpgradeProfile: Entering
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 UpgradeProfile: Build numbers match
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 UpgradeProfile: Leaving Successfully
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 LoadUserProfile: Releasing mutex.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 LoadUserProfile: Leaving with a value of 1.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 LoadUserProfile: hProfile = <0x2bc>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:56:681 =========================================================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ApplyGroupPolicy: Entering. Flags = 6
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ProcessGPOs: Starting user Group Policy processing...
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ProcessGPOs:
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 EnterCriticalPolicySection: User critical section has been claimed.  Handle = 0x348
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:774 ProcessGPOs:  Machine role is 2.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 PingComputer: PingBufferSize set as 2048
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 PingComputer:  First time:  0
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 PingComputer:  Fast link.  Exiting.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 ProcessGPOs:  User name is:  CN=Administrator,OU=server,DC=server,DC=local, Domain name is:  server
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 ProcessGPOs: Domain controller is:  \\domain-server3.server.local  Domain DN is server.local
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 ReadGPExtensions: Failed to query for the function name.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 ReadGPExtensions: Failed to query for the function name.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 ReadGPExtensions: Failed to query for the function name.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 ReadGPExtensions: Failed to query for the function name.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 MyGetDomainDNSName:  Successfully determined fqdn CN=Administrator,OU=server,DC=server,DC=local
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:790 MyGetDomainDNSName:  Successfully obtained domain dns name server.local
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:806 ProcessGPOs: Calling GetGPOInfo for normal policy mode
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:806 GetGPOInfo:  ********************************
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:806 GetGPOInfo:  Entering...
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:806 GetGPOInfo:  Server connection established.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 GetGPOInfo:  Bound successfully.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 SearchDSObject:  Searching <OU=server,DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 SearchDSObject:  Found GPO(s):  <[LDAP://CN={89ACB211-616E-4CB2-93F9-962A86B4658F},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=server,DC=local;0]>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 ProcessGPO:  Deferring search for <LDAP://CN={89ACB211-616E-4CB2-93F9-962A86B4658F},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 SearchDSObject:  Searching <DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 SearchDSObject:  Found GPO(s):  <[LDAP://CN={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=server,DC=local;0]>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:821 ProcessGPO:  Deferring search for <LDAP://CN={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 SearchDSObject:  Searching <CN=server,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 SearchDSObject:  No GPO(s) for this object.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 EvaluateDeferredGPOs:  Searching for GPOs in cn=policies,cn=system,DC=server,DC=local
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 ProcessGPO:  Searching <CN={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 ProcessGPO:  User has access to this GPO.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 ProcessGPO:  Found functionality version of:  2
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:837 ProcessGPO:  Found file system path of:  <\\server.local\sysvol\server.local\Policies\{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found common name of:  <{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found display name of:  <Default Domain Policy>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found user version of:  GPC is 4, GPT is 4
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found flags of:  0
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found extensions:  [{3060E8D0-7020-11D2-842D-00C04FA372D4}{3060E8CE-7020-11D2-842D-00C04FA372D4}][{A2E30F80-D7DE-11D2-BBDE-00C04F86AE3B}{FC715823-C5FB-11D1-9EEF-00A0C90347FF}]
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Searching <CN={89ACB211-616E-4CB2-93F9-962A86B4658F},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=server,DC=local>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  User has access to this GPO.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found functionality version of:  2
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found file system path of:  <\\server.local\SysVol\server.local\Policies\{89ACB211-616E-4CB2-93F9-962A86B4658F}>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:868 ProcessGPO:  Found common name of:  <{89ACB211-616E-4CB2-93F9-962A86B4658F}>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPO:  Found display name of:  <Basis-Gruppenrichtlinienpaket>
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPO:  Found user version of:  GPC is 175, GPT is 175
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPO:  Found flags of:  0
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPO:  Found extensions:  [{35378EAC-683F-11D2-A89A-00C04FBBCFA2}{0F6B957E-509E-11D1-A7CC-0000F87571E3}{D02B1F73-3407-48AE-BA88-E8213C6761F1}][{A2E30F80-D7DE-11D2-BBDE-00C04F86AE3B}{FC715823-C5FB-11D1-9EEF-00A0C90347FF}]
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPO:  ==============================
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 GetGPOInfo:  GPO Richtlinien der lokalen Gruppe doesn't contain any data since the version number is 0.  It will be skipped.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 GetGPOInfo:  Leaving with 1
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 GetGPOInfo:  ********************************
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: OpenThreadToken failed with error 1008, assuming thread is not impersonating
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Registrierung
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes and no security group membership change and extension Registrierung has NoGPOChanges set.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Environment
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Environment's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Environment skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Local Users and Groups
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Local Users and Groups's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Local Users and Groups skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Device Settings
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Device Settings's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Device Settings skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Folder Redirection
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Folder Redirection's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:884 ProcessGPOs: Extension Folder Redirection skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Microsoft Disk Quota
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Microsoft Disk Quota skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Network Options
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Network Options's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Network Options skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension QoS Packet Scheduler
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension QoS Packet Scheduler skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Scripts
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes and no security group membership change and extension Scripts has NoGPOChanges set.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Internet Explorer Zonemapping
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Internet Explorer Zonemapping's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Internet Explorer Zonemapping skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Drive Maps
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Drive Maps's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Drive Maps skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Folders
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Folders's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Folders skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Network Shares
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Network Shares skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Files
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Files's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Files skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Data Sources
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Data Sources's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Data Sources skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Ini Files
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:899 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Ini Files's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Ini Files skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Internet Explorer User Accelerators
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Internet Explorer User Accelerators's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Internet Explorer User Accelerators skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Security
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Security skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Deployed Printer Connections
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Deployed Printer Connections's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Deployed Printer Connections skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Services
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Services's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Services skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Internet Explorer Branding
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes and no security group membership change and extension Internet Explorer Branding has NoGPOChanges set.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Folder Options
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Folder Options's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Folder Options skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Scheduled Tasks
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Scheduled Tasks's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Scheduled Tasks skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Registry
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Registry's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Registry skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:915 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension EFS recovery
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension EFS recovery skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Printers
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Printers's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Printers skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Shortcuts
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Shortcuts's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Shortcuts skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Software Installation
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Software Installation's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension Software Installation skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension TCPIP
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension TCPIP skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Internet Explorer Machine Accelerators
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Internet Explorer Machine Accelerators's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension Internet Explorer Machine Accelerators skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension IP Security
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension IP Security skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Internet Settings
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Internet Settings's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Internet Settings skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Start Menu Settings
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Start Menu Settings's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Start Menu Settings skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Regional Options
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:931 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Regional Options's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Regional Options skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Power Options
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Power Options's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Power Options skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Group Policy Applications
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Group Policy Applications's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Extension Group Policy Applications skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension Enterprise QoS
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CompareGPOLists:  The lists are the same.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 CheckGPOs: No GPO changes but couldn't read extension Enterprise QoS's status or policy time.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Extension Enterprise QoS skipped because both deleted and changed GPO lists are empty.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: -----------------------
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Processing extension CP
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Extension CP skipped with flags 0x6.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 LeaveCriticalPolicySection: Critical section 0x348 has been released.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: User Group Policy has been applied.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ProcessGPOs: Leaving with 1.
USERENV(e4.188) 09:04:56:946 ApplyGroupPolicy: Leaving successfully.
USERENV(e4.fd8) 09:04:56:962 GPOThread:  Next refresh will happen in 106 minutes
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:118 UnloadUserProfile: Entering, hProfile = <0x2bc>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:118 GetUserMutex:  entering
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:118 GetUserMutex: Waiting...
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:118 GetUserMutex: Wait succeeded.  Mutex currently held.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:118 GetExclusionListFromRegistry: Policy list is empty, returning user list = <Lokale Einstellungen;Temporary Internet Files;Verlauf;Temp>
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 MyRegUnloadKey: Mutex released.  Returning 1.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile:  Succesfully unloaded profile
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 MyRegUnloadKey: Mutex released.  Returning 1.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnLoadClassHive: Successfully unmounted S-1-5-21-3194091229-2118314080-1661275518-500_Classes
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile:  Successfully unloaded user classes
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile: Impersonated user
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile: Writing local ini file
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile: Reverting to Self
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile: exitting and cleaning up
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 LoadUserProfile: Releasing mutex.
USERENV(e4.c8) 09:04:57:134 UnloadUserProfile: Leaving with a return value of 1


Geschrieben (bearbeitet)



ist ein Zugriff über das Netzwerk auf C$ möglich? Ist da noch Platz auf der Partition? Ob man mal das Profil des lokalen Administrators löscht?


Das Lesen des Logs in der Eröffnung des Thread tue ich mir nicht an. Ob das jemand macht?

bearbeitet von lefg

Vielen Dank Sunny! Es war zwar nicht die Systempartition die einen anderen Laufwerksbuchstaben bekommen hat, aber Tip 16 hat trotzdem geholfen.

Ändern Sie den Eintrag:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon\Userinit:Reg_SZ:C:\WINNT\system32\userinit.exe


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\Winlogon\Userinit:Reg_SZ:userinit.exe
Ja es war ein Zugriff auf C$ möglich, auch war noch Platz auf der Partition und das lokale Admin Profil hatte icha uch gelöscht. Wurde dann wieder angelegt aber der Fehler war der gleiche.
Nun ist es ja zum Glück gelöst und es muss sich niemand mehr das Log durchlesen ;)
Der letzte Beitrag zu diesem Thema ist mehr als 180 Tage alt. Bitte erstelle einen neuen Beitrag zu Deiner Anfrage!

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