Zoni 10 Geschrieben 14. Mai 2013 Melden Geschrieben 14. Mai 2013 Update wird kostenfrei über den Windows Store verfügbar sein: The Windows 8 update formerly known as “Windows Blue” will be called Windows 8.1, and consumers will be able to get it as a free update to Windows from the Windows Store, Tami Reller said at the JP Morgan Technology, Media & Telecom Conference in Boston today. More details about Windows 8.1 will be announced soon, Brandon LeBlanc wrote in a follow-up post on Blogging Windows this morning, adding: “We will also be making a public preview of Windows 8.1 available starting on June 26, timed with the Build developer conference in San Francisco. The preview will be available for Windows 8 and Windows RT.” Read more about Windows 8’s progress to date, and Microsoft’s goal of delivering continual updates to create a richer experience for Windows customers, over on Blogging Windows. Steve WiensMicrosoft News Center Staff Quelle: http://blogs.technet.com/b/firehose/archive/2013/05/14/free-windows-8-1-update-will-be-unveiled-june-26.aspx Zitieren
nawas 32 Geschrieben 31. Juli 2013 Melden Geschrieben 31. Juli 2013 Seit heute gibts auch die "Firmenversionen": Heise: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Vorabversion-von-Windows-8-1-Enterprise-verfuegbar-1927068.html Download/Technet: http://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/evalcenter/dn237246.aspx?wt.mc_id=TEC_153_1_38 Zitieren
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