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Windows verweigert den Input Focus bei einer Faxsoftware

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bei Windows 7 habe ich folgendes Phänomen. Wo finde ich diese Einstellung in Tweak UI unter Windows7?




The GFI FaxMaker Fax Message Form is an external application that is started by the GFI FaxMaker Printer Driver.  Microsoft Windows sees this process as being external from the application that has just printed, so it does not give the input focus to the GFI FaxMaker Fax Message Form that has just started.

This is a new ‘feature’ introduced in Microsoft Windows 2000 to prevent so called ‘rude’ applications to ‘steal’ the input focus of the application you are working with at the moment.  For example, you are working on Microsoft Word and suddenly a program pops up and all the key strokes that you typed will be ‘stolen’ by this so called ‘rude’ application.
This setting can be changed by using the TweakUI utility found in the Microsoft Power Toys package.  This can be downloaded from the Microsoft site at www.microsoft.com


Gruß Daniel

To prevent windows from stealing focus TweakUI changes a registry setting. You can do this by yourself, if you go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop – in the right panel change the ForegroundLockTimeout DWORD value to 30d40 (Base option Hexadecimal).


Oder anders herum: value: 00000000

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