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DFS Replication

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Ich habe 2 DC. Auf diesen liegt ein share das Repliziert werden soll. Dies geht leider nicht mehr. Habe schon alles probiert. Neu eingerichet, dienste neu gestartet...


Hier ein Auszug der Logs: (im Anhang kompletter Log)


20130724 09:56:22.438 3352 CCTX  2392 VolumeIdTable::ProcessVolumes sviPath:\\?\Volume{5ce5b91c-b283-11e2-93e8-806e6f6e6963}\System Volume Information
20130724 09:56:22.438 3352 CCTX  2392 VolumeIdTable::ProcessVolumes sviPath:\\.\G:\System Volume Information
20130724 09:56:22.438 3352 CCTX  2392 VolumeIdTable::ProcessVolumes sviPath:\\.\F:\System Volume Information
20130724 09:56:22.438 3352 CCTX  2392 VolumeIdTable::ProcessVolumes sviPath:\\.\C:\System Volume Information
20130724 09:56:22.438 3352 CCTX  2392 VolumeIdTable::ProcessVolumes sviPath:\\.\E:\System Volume Information
20130724 09:56:22.438 3352 CFAD  8806 Config::AdConfig::UpdateSpn Service already registered
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3298 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessReplicaSetConfig Setting default schedule for connection. connId:D6E1B6B0-2713-4860-93F3-48E6AAF493A9
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3298 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessReplicaSetConfig Setting default schedule for connection. connId:E378D57F-B557-486C-82B9-D90E3BED637E
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3298 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessReplicaSetConfig Setting default schedule for connection. connId:FC7505C7-C88D-4AA2-AABD-B519A8767B7C
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3298 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessReplicaSetConfig Setting default schedule for connection. connId:6E6610D0-0D3B-4767-BA86-CE3CC3A7BF41
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  2869 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessVolumeConfig Found volume. path:\\.\E: volumeId:{042DA1A4-B285-11E2-93EA-001B7835C6CA}
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  2878 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessVolumeConfig Overwriting dbPath. oldPath: newPath:\\.\E:\System Volume Information\DFSR
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  2869 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessVolumeConfig Found volume. path:\\.\C: volumeId:{5CE5B91D-B283-11E2-93E8-806E6F6E6963}
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  2878 Config::XmlReader::PostProcessVolumeConfig Overwriting dbPath. oldPath: newPath:\\.\C:\System Volume Information\DFSR
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  4717 Config::XmlWriter::MergeAdConfig Found oldest contentset against passed replica set. rgId:FAC828F9-8161-4014-86BF-C29DE46052AB. csId:145496E9-FC6F-49BE-8CAF-8EA128B4380C on volId:042DA1A4-B285-11E2-93EA-001B7835C6CA
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CREG   710 Config::RegConfig::ReadConfigFilePath Location of valueName:Replica Set Configuration File is location:\\?\E:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Replica_FAC828F9-8161-4014-86BF-C29DE46052AB.XML
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3417 Config::XmlWriter::CreateSviDfsrConfigDirectory Creating volume's '\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config' directory tree if it doesn't exist. volPath:\\?\E:\
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  1877 Config::XmlConfig::CreateDocument Create root node: DfsrReplicationGroupConfig
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  4451 Config::XmlWriter::WriteReplicaSetConfigFile Reading old replica config file at path:\\?\E:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Replica_FAC828F9-8161-4014-86BF-C29DE46052AB.XML
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  4717 Config::XmlWriter::MergeAdConfig Found oldest contentset against passed replica set. rgId:D7A6E345-2445-482D-9D2D-B5B8286A0181. csId:54215D09-16BB-4B65-9D83-4A9DFE36B8C0 on volId:5CE5B91D-B283-11E2-93E8-806E6F6E6963
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CREG   710 Config::RegConfig::ReadConfigFilePath Location of valueName:Replica Set Configuration File is location:\\?\C:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Replica_D7A6E345-2445-482D-9D2D-B5B8286A0181.XML
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3417 Config::XmlWriter::CreateSviDfsrConfigDirectory Creating volume's '\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config' directory tree if it doesn't exist. volPath:\\?\C:\
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  1877 Config::XmlConfig::CreateDocument Create root node: DfsrReplicationGroupConfig
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  4451 Config::XmlWriter::WriteReplicaSetConfigFile Reading old replica config file at path:\\?\C:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Replica_D7A6E345-2445-482D-9D2D-B5B8286A0181.XML
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3417 Config::XmlWriter::CreateSviDfsrConfigDirectory Creating volume's '\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config' directory tree if it doesn't exist. volPath:\\?\E:\
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3775 Config::XmlWriter::WriteVolumeConfigFile Write volume configure file:\\.\E:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Volume_042DA1A4-B285-11E2-93EA-001B7835C6CA.XML
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  1877 Config::XmlConfig::CreateDocument Create root node: DfsrVolumeConfig
20130724 09:56:22.453 3352 CXML  3798 Config::XmlWriter::WriteVolumeConfigFile Reading old volume config file at path:\\.\E:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Volume_042DA1A4-B285-11E2-93EA-001B7835C6CA.XML
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CXML  3417 Config::XmlWriter::CreateSviDfsrConfigDirectory Creating volume's '\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config' directory tree if it doesn't exist. volPath:\\?\C:\
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CXML  3775 Config::XmlWriter::WriteVolumeConfigFile Write volume configure file:\\.\C:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Volume_5CE5B91D-B283-11E2-93E8-806E6F6E6963.XML
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CXML  1877 Config::XmlConfig::CreateDocument Create root node: DfsrVolumeConfig
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CXML  3798 Config::XmlWriter::WriteVolumeConfigFile Reading old volume config file at path:\\.\C:\System Volume Information\DFSR\Config\Volume_5CE5B91D-B283-11E2-93E8-806E6F6E6963.XML
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 SYSM  3832 Migration::SysVolMigration::Connect [MIG] Trying to connect to Local or any writable Dc AD
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CFAD   143 Config::AdConnection::BindToAd Trying to connect. hostName:HYPER01
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CFAD   162 Config::AdConnection::BindToAd Bound. hostName:HYPER01
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CFAD   199 Config::AdConnection::BindToDc Try to bind. hostName:HYPER01.uebel.local domainName:<null>
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CFAD   209 Config::AdConnection::BindToDc Bound. hostName:HYPER01.uebel.local domainName:<null>
20130724 09:56:22.469 3352 CFAD  7762 Config::AdConfig::CheckSchemaVersion DMD object:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=uebel,DC=local, objectVersion:56
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 CFAD  8718 Config::AdConfig::GetComputer [CLUSTER] This computer is a cluster node. Get list of owned VCOs.
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 CLUS  4338 Cluster::ClusterUtil::GetVcoList [CLUSTER] Searching for locally owned VCOs
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 CFAD  8781 Config::AdConfig::GetComputer [CLUSTER] Cluster service is not installed or configured. Skipping the VCO polling.
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 SYSM  2026 Migration::SysVolMigration::ShouldExit [MIG] ShouldExit=true
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 SCFS  1316 ServiceConfig::ProcessAdPollConfigEvents Received AD Poll event with no configuration changes
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 SCFS  1476 [WARN] ServiceConfig::ProcessAdPollConfigEvents [CLUSTER] (Ignored) Skip processing cluster cleanup because VCO list was not valid. This step will be retried at next poll.
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 SCFS  1492 ServiceConfig::ProcessAdPollConfigEvents [CLUSTER] Removing stale content set status records
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 FREP  5437 FrsReplicator::ContentSetStatusMap::RemoveStaleRecords [CLUSTER] Removing all content set status records as cluster service is not installed or not running.
20130724 09:56:22.484 3352 SCFS  1498 ServiceConfig::ProcessAdPollConfigEvents [CLUSTER] Cluster service is not installed or configured. Skipping cleanup of stale content set status records.
20130724 09:56:22.484 5336 SYSM   363 Migration::SysvolMigrationTask::Step [MIG] Entering SYSVOL Migration task
20130724 09:56:22.484 5336 SYSM  3832 Migration::SysVolMigration::Connect [MIG] Trying to connect to Local or any writable Dc AD
20130724 09:56:22.484 5336 CFAD   143 Config::AdConnection::BindToAd Trying to connect. hostName:HYPER01
20130724 09:56:22.500 5336 CFAD   162 Config::AdConnection::BindToAd Bound. hostName:HYPER01
20130724 09:56:22.500 5336 CFAD   199 Config::AdConnection::BindToDc Try to bind. hostName:HYPER01.uebel.local domainName:<null>
20130724 09:56:22.500 5336 CFAD   209 Config::AdConnection::BindToDc Bound. hostName:HYPER01.uebel.local domainName:<null>
20130724 09:56:22.500 5336 CFAD  7762 Config::AdConfig::CheckSchemaVersion DMD object:CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=uebel,DC=local, objectVersion:56
20130724 09:56:22.516 5336 CFAD  8718 Config::AdConfig::GetComputer [CLUSTER] This computer is a cluster node. Get list of owned VCOs.
20130724 09:56:22.516 5336 CLUS  4338 Cluster::ClusterUtil::GetVcoList [CLUSTER] Searching for locally owned VCOs
20130724 09:56:22.516 5336 CFAD  8781 Config::AdConfig::GetComputer [CLUSTER] Cluster service is not installed or configured. Skipping the VCO polling.
20130724 09:56:22.516 5336 SYSM  5021 Migration::SysVolMigration::CreateLocalStateIfNone [MIG] Local State is 'Eliminated'
20130724 09:56:22.516 5336 SYSM  2026 Migration::SysVolMigration::ShouldExit [MIG] ShouldExit=true
20130724 09:56:22.516 5336 SYSM   540 Migration::SysvolMigrationTask::Step [MIG] Migration state is already at MIG_STATE_ELIMINATED. Exiting SYSVOL Migration Thread
20130724 09:56:23.498 3352 CLUS  4338 Cluster::ClusterUtil::GetVcoList [CLUSTER] Searching for locally owned VCOs
20130724 09:56:23.498 3352 CFAD  8718 Config::AdConfig::GetComputer [CLUSTER] This computer is a cluster node. Get list of owned VCOs.
20130724 09:56:23.498 3352 CLUS  4338 Cluster::ClusterUtil::GetVcoList [CLUSTER] Searching for locally owned VCOs
20130724 09:56:23.498 3352 CFAD  8781 Config::AdConfig::GetComputer [CLUSTER] Cluster service is not installed or configured. Skipping the VCO polling.
20130724 09:56:42.515 3708 SRTR   969 [WARN] SERVER_EstablishSession Failed to establish a replicated folder session. connId:{6E6610D0-0D3B-4767-BA86-CE3CC3A7BF41} csId:{54215D09-16BB-4B65-9D83-4A9DFE36B8C0} Error:
+    [Error:9028(0x2344) UpstreamTransport::EstablishSession upstreamtransport.cpp:808 3708 C Der Inhaltssatz wurde nicht gefunden.]
+    [Error:9028(0x2344) OutConnection::TransportEstablishSession outconnection.cpp:510 3708 C Der Inhaltssatz wurde nicht gefunden.]
+    [Error:9028(0x2344) OutConnection::TransportEstablishSession outconnection.cpp:454 3708 C Der Inhaltssatz wurde nicht gefunden.]
20130724 09:58:42.510 3708 SRTR   969 [WARN] SERVER_EstablishSession Failed to establish a replicated folder session. connId:{6E6610D0-0D3B-4767-BA86-CE3CC3A7BF41} csId:{54215D09-16BB-4B65-9D83-4A9DFE36B8C0} Error:
+    [Error:9028(0x2344) UpstreamTransport::EstablishSession upstreamtransport.cpp:808 3708 C Der Inhaltssatz wurde nicht gefunden.]
+    [Error:9028(0x2344) OutConnection::TransportEstablishSession outconnection.cpp:510 3708 C Der Inhaltssatz wurde nicht gefunden.]
+    [Error:9028(0x2344) OutConnection::TransportEstablishSession outconnection.cpp:454 3708 C Der Inhaltssatz wurde nicht gefunden.]






Wäre klasse wenn einer einen Lösungsansatz hätte!!!


Gruß Nico


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