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Alternative zu BGinfo

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BGinfo kann z.B. ein Desktop Bild nicht mit der richtigen Auflösung darstellen. Es wird einfach das Bild nach recht oder links außen verschoben, obwohl "center" eingestellt wird. Somit ist das Logo was über der Systeminfo erscheinen soll, an einer ganz anderen Stelle.


Füge ich ein Logo ein und mache den Background z.B. schwarz, kann ich das logo als Bild einfügen lassen aber es kann ja dann nur in der Mitte erscheinen und nicht dort wo ich es haben möchte.

Geschrieben (bearbeitet)


What is Samurize ?


Samurize is an advanced system monitoring and desktop enhancement engine for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista. IT professionals, overclockers, gamers and desktop modders alike use Samurize for system information, weather reports, news headlines and much much more. And best of all, Samurize is 100% free!


Samurize's rich feature set includes:


• an unrivalled set of built-in meters (Disk utilization, CPU usage, network traffic, system temperatures...)

• ultimate customizing and skinning possibilities with no programming knowledge required

• monitoring your own computer or others over a network

• tiny memory footprint and CPU usage

• the first system monitoring tool with a true WYSIWYG editor

• full extensibility via scripts and plugins with a powerful plugin SDK/API

• minimal software requirements (no .NET or Service Packs necessary)

• multimonitor support

• many usage options (desktop, taskbar and clock clients, server outputting to XML or image formats, screensaver)


Das ist ja sehr interessant zu lesen.


Ob Samurei auch einen auch bei Vista/W7 den Pre-Logon-Desktop beschicken kann?


Ist das wirklich lizenzfrei?


Ich bin mit W7 leider gescheitert

bearbeitet von lefg
Geschrieben (bearbeitet)

@lefg: Hast Du's auch schon im XP-Kompatibilitätsmodus versucht?




Hey everyone, NeM here. It's been a long time since I visited samurize.com but I noticed that the new site, samurize.us, is gone. So I have decided to repair and open this site up again so that Samurize users can still discuss the program, upload screenshots & other files and so forth. If you notice any problems or errors on the website, please post them in the forums and I will fix them when I get a chance.


I installed the latest Samurize version on Windows 7 (you have to enable compatibility mode for Windows XP in order to install) and it still runs fine, but I am sure there are features that are either no longer working or are glitchy.


I do not have any word at this stage as to whether any further versions of Samurize will be released, but at a guess I would say no. We will keep you posted if this changes.


Thank you for supporting Samurize over the years and I hope you have enjoyed using it as much as we have enjoyed creating it

bearbeitet von iDiddi
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