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Exchange 2010 / Outlook 2007 reminders problem

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we have a user who get's the following error message when he opens Outlook (after a couple of seconds) ONLY when he has a Citrix session opened (locally there is not problem at all):


"There was a problem reading one or more of your reminders. Some reminders may not appear."


Then he gets no popups for reminders at all but as already stated ONLY within Citrix, locally all reminders are popping up properly and not error messages are shown.


Citrix servers - Windows 2008 R2

Outlook version in Citrix - Outlook 2007

user's PC OS - Windows XP

user's PC Outlook version - Outlook 2007


As far as I know (would need to recheck that) all patches are pretty actual.


what we did to try the problem:


-run outlook.exe /cleanreminders - did not fix the problem

-run outlook.exe /resetfolders - did not fix the problem

-create a new mail profile - did not fix the problem

-for citrix, roaming profiles are used --> renamed his user profile so that a new one was created - That fixed the problem for one week, then the same issue began again.


1.Does anyone have an idea what I could try further?

2.Does anyone know how to exactly identify corrupted reminders / appointments?


Thanks, robertazo




Hello Norbert,


neither hotfix you mentioned is installed at all. Also when using outlook locally in online mode it's working perfectly and except one user there seems to be no one having the problem, at least nobody else claimed until now.


Do you or anyone have any further suggestions?


Thanks so far!



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